The Latvian National Guard was formed as a self-defence organisation on 23 August 1991, immediately after the Soviet occupation. Main tasks of the National Guard five Brigades are border patrol, emergency relief and support to the police to ensure internal security. The tasks of the units equips with aircraft do contain more, like transportation, (coastal) patrol flights, parachute jumping flights and during summer flights to encourage youngsters to start flying or Para jumping. Twelve An-2, five PZL-104 Wilga and about 38 gliders (most L-13 Blanik, but also Jantar Standard III and LAK-12) are in use. Two Mi-2 helicopters were also acquired, but have never been taken on charge and remain stored in bad condition at Riga-Spilve.
Six different airfields spread over the country were used by the Zemessardze: Limbazi, Daugavpils, Rëzekne, Cesis, Riga-Splive and Ikškile. There were plans to establish another four flying units in the western part of the country, for example at Talsi before the end of 1998, but this probably never happened. Since the beginning of 2000 the flying part of the Latvijas Republikas Zemessardze has been integrated within the Air Force. As part of the re-organisation programme, the airfields at Riga-Spilve, Cesis and Limbazi are no longer used by the Air Force, and the former National Guard flying equipment has been concentrated at Rezekne and Daugavpils. All gliders have been given to civil flying clubs, together with a pair of An-2s. The remaining ten An-2s and five PZL-104s constituted two transport flights within the Air Force, mainly tasked with border patrol, light transport, aerial reconnaissance and parajumping. Now all aircraft have been transferred to the sole active military airbase Lielvarde.