Al-Quwwat Al-Jawiyat Al-Malakiya Il-Libya
Okba ibn Nafa/Al Watiya Air Base |
In 1965 the US donated Libya 3 T-33A trainers to start pilot training on Wheelus AFB for future Libyan pilots.
Dick Lohuis
Immediately after the coup in 1969, Libya ordered a large amount of aircraft and helicopters in France. Ten SA316B Alouetee III were delivered in 1970. A SAR detachment was permanently based at Luqa, Malta
John Vinavich
The Royal Libyan Air Force took delivery of 8 F-5As and 2 F-5Bs. Due to sanctions against the coup in 1969, the delivery of more F-5s stocked. Finally Libya returned their F-5s to Greece.
Terry Murphy (Air Britain)
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