Malta - Armed Forces

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Armed Forces of Malta

Malta/Luqa (LMML)

RWY 05/23, 13/31     POS 35°51'27"N 014°28'39"E     ELEV 300 ft

Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Code Badge
Armed Forces

2nd Regiment - Air Squadron Alouette 3
Beech 200MPA
European Border And Coast Guard Agency

FRONTEX Heron ASxxxx

This Scottish Aviation Bulldog T1 has retired after a fulfilling career in the Royal Air Force and now spends its days for the Armed Forces Malta in beautiful weather and fine flying conditions. It replaced its registration XX691/11 and is now registered as AS0020.

Michael van der Mee

This former Libyan Air Force Alouette 3 performes at the annual Air Show at Luqa with a tight turn. Three Libyan Air Force/Police and two Royal Netherlands Air Force Alouettes were acquired by the Armed Forces Malta.

Michael van der Mee

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