Paraguay - Air Force

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Paraguay has been operating the EMB312 Tucano since 1987. Late 2010, the three survivors of the original six, were augmented by three former Brazilian Air Force examples.

Hermen Goud

Although definitely not a last generation aircraft, this Neiva T-25 Universal is one of the latest acquisitions of the FAP. Six of these rugged trainers were donated in a friendly gesture by neighbouring Brazil and delivered in December 2005.

Ricardo Hebmuller

Concepción (SGCO)

RWY 03/21     POS 23°26'30"S 057°25'38"W     ELEV 253 ft

Grupo Escuadrón Escuadrilla Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Grupo Aéreo Instrucción (GAI)
Escuadrón Fenix
Escuadrilla Antares T-35A (ECH-51A)
T-35B (ECH-51B)

Escuadrilla Pantera T-35A (ECH-51A)
T-35B (ECH-51B)

Two couples of Cessna Caravans were obtained as cargo, passenger and liaison aircraft.

Wim Sonneveld

Silvio Pettirossi IAP (SGAS)

RWY 02/20     POS 25°14'23"S 057°31'09"W     ELEV 292 ft

Grupo Escuadrón Escuadrilla Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Grupo Aéreo de Transporte Especiales (GATE)

Escuadrilla GATE Beech 58
Grupo Aerotáctico (GAT)
3er Escuadron de Caza
Escuadrilla Gama AT-27 (EMB312A)

Escuadrilla Omega AT-27 (EMB312A)
Grupo de Transporte Aereo (GTA)

Servicio de Transporte Aéreo Militar (SETAM) C212-200

FAP operates a single Bell 427 in this dark blue colour scheme.

Wim Sonneveld

This Cessna U206G is one of the originals delivered in 1979. Meanwhile, Paraguay has pressed several other impounded examples into service.

Wim Sonneveld

Ñu-Guazú (--)

RWY 01/19     POS 25°16'25"S 057°31'50"W     ELEV 343 ft

Grupo Escuadrón Escuadrilla Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Grupo Aéreo de Helicópteros (GAH)

Escuadrilla Dragones Bell 407GXi
Bell 427

Chilean built T-35 Pilláns replaced the T-6, T-23 and T-25 in FAP service. They are known by their official designation ECH-51A and B and are in the process of being upgraded.

Fuerza Aérea Paraguayana

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