Timor-Leste - Defence Force

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Falintil-Forças de Defesa de Timor Leste (F-FDTL)

Díli/Presidente Nicolau Lobato Intl

In 2020 the FDTL took up this Cessna 172P.

Núcleo Aéreo - facebook page

Baucau/Cakung (WPEC) Rota do Sândalo Intl-Oecussi

RWY 14/32     POS 08°29'08"S 126°23'58"E     ELEV 1777 ft

Força Componente Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Forças de Defesa de Timor Leste

Núcleo Aéreo
no based aircraft
The hangar for the air unit was being constructed in 2021.
Díli/Presidente Nicolau Lobato Intl (WPDL)

RWY 08/26     POS 08°32'49"S 125°31'30"E     ELEV 29 ft

Força Componente Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Forças de Defesa de Timor Leste

Núcleo Aéreo

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