In September 2007, the SSM announced an order for 50 T129 ATAK armed reconnaissance helicopters, to be built by a consortium of Turkish Aerospace Industries and AgustaWestland (now rebranded to Leonardo - Helicopter Division). An option for 41 additional helicopters was taken up in the contract but the Army had an almost instant requirement for these helicopters and it was decided to order nine slightly less capable Erken Duhul Helikopteri (EDH) or Early Delivery Helicopters in November 2010. These were designated T129A and are part of the optional package, leaving the order for the advanced T129B version still at 50 examples. The EDH variant is armed with the 20mm canon and can fire unguided rockets but it cannot fire any precision guided munition. Eventually these EDHs will be upgraded to the T129B variant.

Marco Dijkshoorn

In June 2022, Italian defense firm Leonardo won the competition to supply the new training helicopter for the Turkish Army Aviation Command. 15 were ordered and they are designated AW119T (T for Turkish, obviously).

Tiziano Capenti

İzmir/Gaziemir (LTBK)

RWY 17/35     POS 38°19'08"N 027°09'33"E     ELEV 133 ft

Hava Alayi (Regiment) Tabur (Battalion) Böluk/Filo (Company/Sq.) Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
3ncü Kara Havacılık Alayı Komutanlığı
1nci Helicopter Taburu (Izmir)
1nci Bölük AS532UL

2nci Bölük AB205
Kara Havacılık Komutanlığı
Unit(s) with unknown reporting unit or direct reports under Kara Havacılık Komutanlığı
Karagah ve Kh. Bölügü CeT182T

Arama ve Kurtarma Kolu S-70A-28DSAR
Batman Meydan Harekat Komutanlığı
?ncü İnsansız Hava Araçları Sistemleri Tabur Komutanlığı
13ncü İHAS Bölük Komutanlığı Bayraktar TB2S
Şırnak/Şerafettin Elçi (LTCV)

RWY 11/29     POS 37°21'50"N 042°03'36"E     ELEV 2041 ft

Hava Alayi (Regiment) Tabur (Battalion) Böluk/Filo (Company/Sq.) Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge

1nci İnsansız Hava Araçları Sistemleri Tabur Komutanlığı
3ncü İHAS Bölük Komutanlığı Bayraktar TB2S

1nci Ordu İHAS Tabur Komutanlığı at Batman is most probably directing subordinate Böluk/Filo (Company/Squadron) across the country.
Şanlıurfa/GAP (LTCS)

RWY 04/22     POS 37°27'24"N 038°54'29"E     ELEV 2708 ft

Hava Alayi (Regiment) Tabur (Battalion) Böluk/Filo (Company/Sq.) Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge

3ncü İnsansız Hava Araçları Sistemleri Tabur Komutanlığı
10ncu İHAS Bölük Komutanlığı Bayraktar TB2S
Akıncı A
Akıncı B
The construction works to house UCAVs at Şanlıurfa Gap Havalimanı started in 2022.
The Bayraktar Akıncı is a TİHA (Taarruzi İnsansız Hava Aracı - Assault UAS), first deliveries took place in September 2021.
Şanlıurfa/Heliport (--)

RWY HEL     POS 37°11'11"N 038°47'29"E     ELEV 2020 ft

Hava Alayi (Regiment) Tabur (Battalion) Böluk/Filo (Company/Sq.) Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Kara Havacılık Komutanlığı
Taarruz Helikopter Taburu (Diraybakir)
xnci Filo S-70A
The Tabur (Battalion) this unit is reporting to as well as its designation in unclear and needs confirmation.
Ankara/Güvercinlik (LTAB)

RWY 06/24, HEL     POS 39°56'06"N 032°44'27"E     ELEV 2694 ft

Hava Alayi (Regiment) Tabur (Battalion) Böluk/Filo (Company/Sq.) Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
1nci Kara Havacılık Alayı Komutanlığı
Yük Helikopter Tabur Komutanlığı
1nci Bölük CH-47F

Kara Havacılık Okul Komutanlığı
Simülatörle Uçus Eğitim Komutanlığı AS532UL Sim.
S-70A-28D Sim.
T129 Sim.
Kara Havacılık Komutanlığı
Unit(s) with unknown reporting unit or direct reports under Kara Havacılık Komutanlığı
Hava Ulaştırma Grup Komutanlığı AB205
Beech B200

Arama ve Kurtarma Kolu S-70A-28D SAR

5nci Ana Bakim Merkezi Komutanlığı Depot-level maintenance of various aircraft types
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Millî Savunma Bakanlığı
Harita Genel Müdürlüğü
Harita Hava Grup Komutanliği Beech B200
Beech 350i

The 5th Maintenance Centre Command (5 ABMK) which is located at Güvercinlik performs depot-level maintenance to all helicopter and fixed-wing types of the Army Aviation Command, This unit will stay at Güvercinlik as regular maintenance will be performed at Isparta by local maintenance personnel. When depot-level maintenance is needed, aircraft will transfer back to Güvercinlik.


In December 2009, the SSM requested the foreign military sale of fourteen CH-47F Chinook helicopters, four of which will be equipped for combat search and rescue (CSAR) and Special Operations. The contract for the delivery of the first six aircraft was eventually signed in 2013. This $3.4 billion multi-year contract was followed by a $131 million contract signed in September 2015, taking the total acquisition to 11 aircraft. The first group of twenty pilots have been trained at Fort Rucker, AL, USA and graduated in mid-2016. The first five are expected to be absorbed by the Army Aviation Command. Five will be in a special operations configuration, and they will be operated by Özel Hava Grup (Special Air Group Command) while one will be operated for the Genelkurmay (General Staff) in the VIP transport role.

Turkish Army

Batman (LTCJ)

RWY 02/20     POS 37°55'45"N 041°06'59"E     ELEV 1822 ft

Hava Alayi (Regiment) Tabur (Battalion) Böluk/Filo (Company/Sq.) Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Batman Meydan Harekat Komutanlığı
2nci İnsansız Hava Araçları Sistemleri Tabur Komutanlığı
1nci İHAS Bölük Komutanlığı? Bayraktar TB2(S) Öncü (Pioneers)

3ncü İnsansız Hava Araçları Sistemleri Tabur Komutanlığı
2nci İHAS Bölük Komutanlığı? Akıncı A
Bayraktar TB2(S)

1nci İnsansız Hava Araçları Sistemleri Tabur Komutanlığı
Misc UCAV Bayraktar TB2S

1nci Ordu İHAS Tabur Komutanlığı at Batman is most probably directing subordinate Böluk/Filo (Company/Squadron) across the country.
Bodrum/Imsik (LTBV)

RWY 06/24, HEL     POS 37°08'24"N 027°40'08"E     ELEV 202 ft

Hava Alayi (Regiment) Tabur (Battalion) Böluk/Filo (Company/Sq.) Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Kara Havacılık Komutanlığı
Eğitim ve Tatbikat Merkezi Komutanlığı
1nci Bölük AB205
Diyarbakır/Jandarma HEL (--)

RWY HEL     POS 37°55'37"N 040°13'49"E     ELEV 2214 ft

Hava Alayi (Regiment) Tabur (Battalion) Böluk/Filo (Company/Sq.) Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge

7nci Kolordu Hava Taburu
1nci Bölük AS532UL

Taarruz Helikopter Taburu (Diraybakir)
xnci Filo T129B

In December 1998, a direct-sale contract was signed with Sikorsky by SSM for the delivery of 52 Black Hawk helicopters, 22 of which would be in the analogue S-70A-28A configuration and 30, that would follow from 2000, in the S-70A-28D digital configuration. In 1999 the Army received the first examples, some of which were delivered to the Special Forces. Under project Yarasa (Bat), signed in mid-2002, all analogue helicopters were upgraded to -28D standard by TAI and ASELSAN. Five D-models were converted to combat search and rescue (CSAR) standard and are designated S-70A-28DSAR. Each Aviation Regiment has a Search and Rescue Flight that has one S-70-28DSAR on quick reaction alert around the clock. Under the HeliMod program, a number of Army and Jandarma Black Hawks were upgraded and fitted with the ASELSAN HEWS system, which is a fully integrated Electronic Warfare Self Protection Suit indigenously developed to protect helicopters. The system comprises of Radar Warning Receiver System (RWR), Missile Warning System (MWS), and Laser Warning Receiver System (LWR) as well as countermeasures subsystems like Radio Frequency (RF) Jammer System, chaff-flare dispensers and Infra-red (IR) Counter Measure Systems.


The Turkish Army Aviation Command is the first receiver of the indigenously-developed Akıncı A UAV UCAV.

Baykar Makina

Gaziantep/Oğuzeli Intl (LTAJ)

RWY 10/28R, 10R/28L     POS 36°56'52"N 037°28'44"E     ELEV 2305 ft

Hava Alayi (Regiment) Tabur (Battalion) Böluk/Filo (Company/Sq.) Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Batman Meydan Harekat Komutanlığı
3ncü İnsansız Hava Araçları Sistemleri Tabur Komutanlığı
8/9ncı? İHAS Bölük Komutanlığı Bayraktar TB2S
Right next to the Jandarma UCAV compound, new Turkish Army drone facilities were build here since 2022.
The Bayraktar Akıncı is a TİHA (Taarruzi İnsansız Hava Aracı - Assault UAS), first deliveries took place in September 2021.
Hakkâri Derecik (--)

RWY HEL     POS 37°04'22"N 044°18'25"E     ELEV 2715 ft

Hava Alayi (Regiment) Tabur (Battalion) Böluk/Filo (Company/Sq.) Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Kara Havacılık Komutanlığı
3üncü Piyade Tümen Komutanlığı
34üncü Hudut Tugay Komutanlığı AS532UL
Hakkâri/Yüksekova Selahaddin Eyyûbî (LTCW)

RWY 11/29     POS 37°32'59"N 044°14'15"E     ELEV 6096 ft

Hava Alayi (Regiment) Tabur (Battalion) Böluk/Filo (Company/Sq.) Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Batman Meydan Harekat Komutanlığı
2nci İnsansız Hava Araçları Sistemleri Tabur Komutanlığı
5nci İHAS Bölük Komutanlığı Bayraktar TB2
Hatay (LTDA)

RWY 04/22     POS 36°21'38"N 036°17'07"E     ELEV 262 ft

Hava Alayi (Regiment) Tabur (Battalion) Böluk/Filo (Company/Sq.) Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge

2nci İnsansız Hava Araçları Sistemleri Tabur Komutanlığı
9ncü İHAS Bölük Komutanlığı Bayraktar TB2S
Iğdır/Şehit Bülent Aydın (LTCT)

RWY 12/30     POS 39°58'39"N 043°52'31"E     ELEV 3102 ft

Hava Alayi (Regiment) Tabur (Battalion) Böluk/Filo (Company/Sq.) Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge

1nci İnsansız Hava Araçları Sistemleri Tabur Komutanlığı
6ncı İHAS Bölük Komutanlığı Bayraktar TB2S

1nci Ordu İHAS Tabur Komutanlığı at Batman is most probably directing subordinate Böluk/Filo (Company/Squadron) across the country.
Ilker Karter (Pinarbasi) (--)

RWY 16/34     POS 35°16'33"N 033°16'03"E     ELEV 746ft

Hava Alayi (Regiment) Tabur (Battalion) Böluk/Filo (Company/Sq.) Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
3ncü Kara Havacılık Alayı Komutanlığı
Türk Baris Kuvvetleri Havacılık Birlik Komutanlığı
3ncü KHAK Det. AB205
Baris Filo

This Turkish-recognized "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus - TRNC" AS532UL Cougar operates from Ilker Karter/Pınarbaşı, in Northern Cyprus (note the TNRC flag on the aft windows). Since 2023, Pınarbaşı has a tower and new hangars, probably to also house drones. Turkeys second base in Northern Cyprus, Geçitkale, also has a few new hangars since 2023.

Marco Dijkshoorn

The Cessna T182T Skylanes are used for liaison and training, not only from the main training facilities at Isparta but also at the other major Turkish Army air bases. This one, 10105, is used by 2nci Kara Havacilik Alay Komutanlığı at Malatya.


Isparta/Süleyman Demirel (LTFC)

RWY 04/22, 05/23, 13/31, HEL     POS 37°51'21"N 030°22'01"E     ELEV 2835 ft

Hava Alayi (Regiment) Tabur (Battalion) Böluk/Filo (Company/Sq.) Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
1nci Kara Havacılık Alayı Komutanlığı
1nci Helicopter Taburu (Ankara)
1nci Bölük AB205

2nci Bölük AB205

1nci Hücum Helikopter Taburu Komutanlığı (Isparta)
1nci Filo S-70A-28D

2nci Hücum Helikopter Taburu Komutanlığı (Isparta)
1nci Filo AB205

1nci Taarruz Helikopter Taburu (Isparta)
1nci Filo T129B Kobra Savaşçıları (Cobra Warriors). Serial prefix: CG

2nci Filo T129B Canavar Filo (Beast Squadron). Serial prefix: CG

3ncü Filo T129B Kurt Filo (Wolf Squadron). Serial prefix: CG

Orta Genel Maksat Hücum Helikopter Taburu Isparta
xnci Bölük S-70A-28D

Hafif Genel Maksat Hücum Helikopter Taburu
xnci Bölük UH-1H
Kara Havacılık Komutanlığı
Unit(s) with unknown reporting unit or direct reports under Kara Havacılık Komutanlığı
Karagah ve Kh. Bölügü CeT182T

Arama ve Kurtarma Kolu S-70A-28DSAR
1nci Kara Havacılık Alayı Komutanlığı
Taarruz Helikopter Taburu (Isparta)
1nci Taarruz Helikopter Bölügu T129B Azrail (Angel of Death). Serial prefix: AG

xnci Kara Hava Grup Komutanlığı
1nci Bölük AB205
Kara Havacılık Okul Komutanlığı
Kurslar Tabur Komutanlığı
Sabit Kanat Uçuş Eğitim Kurulu CeT182T

Döner Kanat Uçuş Eğitim Kurulu AB205
Serial prefix: FN

Ögretim Baskanlığı loans a/c from Academy:
CeT182T, AB205, AB206R, AW119Kx, UH-1H
1nci Kara Havacılık Alayı Komutanlığı
Taarruz Helikopter Taburu (Isparta)
?? Taarruz Helikopter Filo T129B Serial prefix: DG
The AH-1W Super Cobra assault helicopters of 3ncü Filo were transferred to the Navy and replaced by the T129B Atak in 2022.
The Ce421B and T-42A of Sabit Kanat Uçuş Eğitim Kurulu were withdrawn from use by 2023 and are used for ground instruction training at Isparta since.
The AH-1P Cobra assault helicopters of Taarruz Helikopter Taburu were replaced by the T129B Atak by 2022 and in the process the unit moved to Isparta.

All the Army regiments have a number of Turbo Skylanes in their inventory. They serve a multi-purpose role: as trainers and in the liaison role. In total, the Army operates 45 (one crashed) CeT182T that were delivered between December 2009 and August 2010 after which the remaining U-17B and T-41D were withdrawn from use. All feature a glass cockpit and have the Garmin 1000 glass flight deck system installed. They are also fitted with Mode-S transponders and are capable for to conduct ILS approaches. The Garmin equipment prepares students for the glass cockpit configurations they will encounter on other types operated by the Turkish Army. They are also fitted with Mode-S transponders that makes ILS approaches possible.


In 1996 an order for twenty AB206B-3 training helicopters was completed and when these were subsequently upgraded, they received the local AB206R designation. In 1998 thirteen refurbished Jandarma AB206R were taken on charge by the Army Aviation School to supplement the existing fleet. The Jet Rangers are the primary helicopter training platform, together with the AW119T.


Istanbul/Samandıra (LTBX)

RWY 18/36, HEL     POS 40°59'35"N 029°12'60"E     ELEV 400 ft

Hava Alayi (Regiment) Tabur (Battalion) Böluk/Filo (Company/Sq.) Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
4nci Kara Havacılık Alayı Komutanlığı
1nci Helicopter Taburu (Istanbul)
1nci Bölük AS532UL

2nci Bölük AB205
Kara Havacılık Komutanlığı
Unit(s) with unknown reporting unit or direct reports under Kara Havacılık Komutanlığı
Karagah ve Kh. Bölügü CeT182T

Arama ve Kurtarma Kolu S-70A-28DSAR
Malatya/Tulga (LTAO)

RWY 04/22, 04H/22H     POS 38°21'13"N 038°15'14"E     ELEV 3016 ft

Hava Alayi (Regiment) Tabur (Battalion) Böluk/Filo (Company/Sq.) Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
2nci Kara Havacılık Alayı Komutanlığı
1nci Hücum Helikopter Taburu Komutanlığı (Malatya)
xnci Bölük AS532UL

Taarruz Helikopter Taburu (Malatya)
1nci Taarruz Helikopter Bölügu T129A
Volkan Filo (Volcano Squadron). Serial prefix: BG

2nci Taarruz Helikopter Bölügu T129B Şimşek Filo (Lightning Squadron). Serial prefix: BG
Kara Havacılık Komutanlığı
Unit(s) with unknown reporting unit or direct reports under Kara Havacılık Komutanlığı
İnsanlı Keşif Uçağı (IKU) Beech 350 Night Walkers

Karagah ve Kh. Bölügü CeT182T

Arama ve Kurtarma Kolu S-70A-28DSAR
Van (LTCI)

RWY 03/21     POS 38°28'04"N 043°19'55"E     ELEV 5474 ft

Hava Alayi (Regiment) Tabur (Battalion) Böluk/Filo (Company/Sq.) Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Batman Meydan Harekat Komutanlığı
3ncü İnsansız Hava Araçları Sistemleri Tabur Komutanlığı
7nci İHAS Bölük Komutanlığı Bayraktar TB2S
The Bayraktar Akıncı is a TİHA (Taarruzi İnsansız Hava Aracı - Assault UAS), first deliveries took place in September 2021.
Çukurca/Hakkari (--)

RWY HEL     POS 37°15'42"N 043°35'20"E     ELEV 3383 ft

Hava Alayi (Regiment) Tabur (Battalion) Böluk/Filo (Company/Sq.) Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Kara Havacılık Komutanlığı
3üncü Piyade Tümen Komutanlığı
2nci Hudut Tugay Komutanlığı S-70A-28D Yildirim

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