TLP 2008-1

RAF Kinloss, UK START: 14-1-2008 END: 8-2-2008
Serial/Code Type of Aircraft Air Force/Unit Role Arrival Departure
667/3-JZ Mirage 2000D AdlA/EC02.003 participant (AG) 11/01/2008 25/01/2008
678/3-JB Mirage 2000D AdlA/EC02.003 participant (AG) 11/01/2008 08/02/2008
615/3-JY Mirage 2000D AdlA/EC02.003 participant (AG) 23/01/2008 08/02/2008
326/4-AS Mirage 2000N AdlA/EC01.004 participant (AG) 11/01/2008 08/02/2008
333/4-AB Mirage 2000N AdlA/EC01.004 participant (AG) 11/01/2008 08/02/2008
319/4-AC Mirage 2000N AdlA/EC01.004 support 15/01/2008 15/01/2008
261/30-QY Mirage F1CT AdlA/RC02.030 participant (AG) 11/01/2008 18/01/2008
272/30-QZ Mirage F1CT AdlA/RC02.030 participant (AG) 11/01/2008 08/02/2008
279/30-QL Mirage F1CT AdlA/RC02.030 participant (AG) 18/01/2008 08/02/2008
283/30-QI Mirage F1CT AdlA/RC02.030 support 18/01/2008 18/01/2008
229/30-QW Mirage F1CT AdlA/RC02.030 support 24/01/2008 25/01/2008
274/30-QJ Mirage F1CT AdlA/RC02.030 support 24/01/2008 25/01/2008
E168/7-FP Alpha Jet A AdlA/EC01.007 support 18/01/2008 18/01/2008
        28/01/2008 28/01/2008
R3/61-MC C-160R AdlA/ET01.061 transport 11/01/2008 11/01/2008
R93/61-ZJ C-160R AdlA/ET01.061 external asset 28/01/2008 02/02/2008
071/62-IE CN235M-200 AdlA/ET03.062 transport 14/01/2008 14/01/2008
55 Super Etendard AN/17F participant (AG) 14/01/2008 08/02/2008
39 Super Etendard AN/17F participant (AG) 14/01/2008 08/02/2008
101 Falcon10MER AN/57S transport 15/01/2008 15/01/2008
69 EMB121AN AN transport 06/02/2008 06/02/2008
MM7061/6-14 Tornado IDS AMI/6 St/154 Gr participant (AG) 11/01/2008 08/02/2008
MM7006/6-31 special c/s Tornado IDS(IT-MLU) AMI/6 St/154 Gr participant (AG) 11/01/2008 08/02/2008
MM7038/6-37 Tornado IDS(IT-MLU) AMI/6 St/154 Gr participant (AG) 14-01-2008f/n 08/02/2008
MM62191/46-57 C-130J-30 AMI/46 BA/50 Gr transport 25/01/2008 25/01/2008
MM62196/46-62 C-130J-30 AMI/46 BA/50 Gr transport 28/01/2008 28/01/2008
MM62181/46-46 C-130J AMI/46 BA/50 Gr transport 04/02/2008 04/02/2008
MM62189/46-55 C-130J-30 AMI/46 BA/50 Gr transport 05/02/2008 05/02/2008
MM62189/46-55 C-130J-30 AMI/46 BA/50 Gr transport 07/02/2008 07/02/2008
MM7262 F-16A ADF AMI/5 St/23 Gr external asset 28/01/2008 07/02/2008
MM7243 F-16A ADF AMI/5 St/23 Gr external asset 28/01/2008 07/02/2008
MM81344/15-32 HH-3F AMI/15 St external asset 04/02/2008 08/02/2008
MM80975/15-02 special c/s HH-3F AMI/15 St external asset 04/02/2008 08/02/2008
FA71/FS F-16AM BAC/2 W participant (AG) 11/01/2008 08/02/2008
FA84 F-16AM BAC/2 W participant (AG) 11/01/2008 08/02/2008
FA86 F-16AM BAC/2 W participant (AG) 11/01/2008 08/02/2008
FA91/FS F-16AM BAC/2 W participant (AG) 16/01/2008 08/02/2008
FA103 F-16AM BAC/2 W participant (AG) 11/01/2008 08/02/2008
FA114 F-16AM BAC/2 W participant (AG) 11/01/2008 08/02/2008
FA121 special mks F-16AM BAC/2 W/1 sm participant (AG) 11/01/2008 08/02/2008
FB14 F-16BM BAC/2 W support 16/01/2008 16/01/2008
        08/02/2008 08/02/2008
FA97 F-16AM BAC/2 W external asset 28/01/2008 30/01/2008
FA117 F-16AM BAC/2 W external asset 28/01/2008 30/01/2008
CH01 C-130H BAC/20 sm transport 15/01/2008 15/01/2008
CH07 C-130H BAC/20 sm transport 18/01/2008 18/01/2008
J-201 F-16AM Klu/322 sq participant (AG) 14/01/2008 08/02/2008
J-644 F-16AM Klu/nm participant (AG) 14/01/2008 08/02/2008
J-202 F-16AM Klu participant (AG) 17/01/2008 21/02/2008
G-275 C-130H-30 Klu/336 sq transport 14/01/2008 14/01/2008
50+35 C-160D Lw transport 07/02/2008 07/02/2008
51+00 C-160D Lw transport 07/02/2008 07/02/2008
XX331/CP Hawk T1A RAF/100 sq external asset 28/01/2008 30/01/2008
        31/01/2008 01/02/2008
        04/02/2008 08/02/2008
XX200/CG Hawk T1A RAF/100 sq external asset 28/01/2008 30/01/2008
        31/01/2008 01/02/2008
        04/02/2008 08/02/2008
G-FRAW Da20E FRA external asset 29/01/2008 01/02/2008
G-FRAU Da20E FRA external asset 04/02/2008 07/02/2008


Compiled by Piet Luijken. thanks to our contributors at the TLP messageboard, including Joostmil and Crizz, our reporter on the scene! 

Updated: 12-1-2025

Thanks to all our contributors at the TLP MB, Tim and

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