TLP 2009-3

Albacete, Spain START: 9-11-2009 END: 4-12-2009
Serial/Code Type of Aircraft Air Force/Unit Role Arrival Departure
1383/67-AN SA330B AdlA/EH01.067 external asset 30/11/2009 03/12/2009
101/103-KE Mirage 2000C AdlA/EC02.012 participant 11-11-2009f/n 04/12/2009
122/103-YE Mirage 2000C AdlA/EC02.012 participant 11-11-2009f/n 04/12/2009
R223/64-GW C-160R AdlA/ET00.064 participant 23/11/2009 23/11/2009
nn C-160R AdlA/ET00.064 participant 04/12/2009 04/12/2009
160/62-IS CN235M AdlA/ET01.062 transport 06/11/2009 06/11/2009
071/62-IE CN235M AdlA/ET01.062 transport 04/12/2009 04/12/2009
739/93-CK C135FR AdlA/GRV00.093 external asset 24/11/2009 24/11/2009
2630/BJO EC725AP ALAT/DAOS external asset 30/11/2009 03/12/2009
51 Super Etendard M AN/17F participant 10/11/2009 04/12/2009
62 Super Etendard M AN/17F participant 10/11/2009 04/12/2009
101 Falcon 10MER AN/57S transport 10/11/2009 10/11/2009
nn EMB121 AN transport 20/11/2009 21/11/2009
nn ATL2 AN external asset 26/11/2009 26/11/2009
MM7007/6-01 Tornado IDS AMI/6 St participant 06/11/2008 04/12/2009
MM7058/6-11 Tornado IDS AMI/6 St participant 06/11/2008 04/12/2009
MM7038 /6-37 Tornado IDS AMI/6 St participant 16/11/2008 20-11-2009l/n
MM7254 F-16A ADF AMI/37 St/18 Gr participant 06/11/2008 04/12/2009
MM7241 F-16A ADF AMI/37 St/18 Gr participant 06/11/2008 04/12/2009
nn F-16A ADF AMI/37 St/18 Gr participant 26/11/2008 26/11/2008
MM62146 /14-11 G222TCM AMI/14 St/8 Gr transport 09/11/2009 09/11/2009
MM62250/46-91 C-27J  AMI/46 BA transport 09/11/2009 09/11/2009
MM62188/46-54 C-130J-30 AMI/46 BA transport 10/11/2009 10/11/2009
nn C-130J-30 AMI/46 BA transport 04/12/2009 04/12/2009
FA77 F-16AM BAC/349sm participant 10/11/2009 03/12/2009
FA95 F-16AM BAC/349sm participant 26/11/2009 03/12/2009
FA107 F-16AM BAC/349sm participant 10/11/2009 03/12/2009
FB23 F-16BM BAC/349sm participant 10/11/2009 03/12/2009
CE03 ERJ145LR BAC/21 sm transport 06/11/2009 06/11/2009
CE02 ERJ145LR BAC/21 sm transport 10/11/2009 10/11/2009
nn C-130H BAC/20 sm transport 06/11/2009 06/11/2009
CH10 C-130H BAC/20 sm transport 10/11/2009 10/11/2009
CH03 C-130H BAC/20 sm transport 20/11/2009 20/11/2009
CH11 C-130H BAC/20 sm transport 04/12/2009 04/12/2009
C.15-33/15-20 EF-18M EdA/Ala 15 external asset 23/11/2009 1-12-2009l/n
C.15-39/15-26 EF-18M EdA/Ala 15 external asset 23/11/2009 23/11/2009
C.15-59/12-17 EF-18M EdA/Ala 12 external asset 26/11/2009 1-12-2009l/n
C.14-15/14-09 Mirage F1M EdA/Ala 14 participant 11/11/2009 04/12/2009
C.14-17/14-11 Mirage F1M EdA/Ala 14 participant 11/11/2009 04/12/2009
C.14-38/14-20 Mirage F1M EdA/Ala 14 participant 11/11/2009 04/12/2009
C.14-45/14-26 Mirage F1M EdA/Ala 14 participant 11/11/2009 04/12/2009
C.14-16/14-10 Mirage F1M EdA/Ala 14 participant 12/11/2009 04/12/2009
C.14-60/14-34 Mirage F1M EdA/Ala 14 participant 19/11/2009 04/12/2009
C.14-56/14-31 tiger c/s Mirage F1M EdA/Ala 14 participant 19/11/2009 04/12/2009
C.14-63/14-36 Mirage F1M EdA/Ala 14 participant 26/11/2009 04/12/2009
C.14-64/14-37 tiger c/s Mirage F1M EdA/Ala 14 participant 26/11/2009 04/12/2009
C.14-67/14-39 Mirage F1M EdA/Ala 14 participant 26/11/2009 04/12/2009
C.14-72/14-44 Mirage F1M EdA/Ala 14 participant 26/11/2009 04/12/2009
T21-6/35-44 C295M EdA/Ala 35 transport 20/11/2009 20/11/2009
T21-11/35-49 C295M EdA/Ala 35 external asset 23/11/2009 23/11/2009
T21-11/35-51 C295M EdA/Ala 35 transport 04/12/2009 04/12/2009
TM.11-4 /47-24 Da20E EdA/Grupo Mixte 47/472 Exc external asset 17/11/2009 20-11-2009l/n
TK.10-12/31-54 KC-130H EdA/Ala 31 transport 20/11/2009 20/11/2009
45+85 Tornado IDS Lw/AG 51 participant 09/11/2009 03/12/2009
43+98 Tornado IDS Lw/AG 51 participant 09/11/2009 03/12/2009
46+26 Tornado ECR Lw/JBG 32 participant 09/11/2009 03/12/2009
46+41 Tornado ECR Lw/JBG 32 participant 10/11/2009 03/12/2009
46+52 Tornado ECR Lw/JBG 32 participant 10/11/2009 10-11-2009l/n
46+51 Tornado ECR Lw/JBG 32 participant 12/11/2009 17-11-2009l/n
50+46 C-160D Lw/LTG 62 transport 09/11/2009 09/11/2009
50+33 white c/s C-160D Lw transport 10/11/2009 10/11/2009
50+58 C-160D Lw transport 20/11/2009 20/11/2009
  C-160D Lw transport 24/11/2009 24/11/2009
50+82 C-160D Lw/LTG 63 transport 03/12/2009 04/12/2009
51+14 C-160D Lw/LTG 62 transport 03/12/2009 04/12/2009
ZD433/45A Harier GR9A RAF/1 sq participant 09/11/2009 04/12/2009
ZG511/82 Harier GR9 RAF/1 sq participant 09/11/2009 04/12/2009
86-0154/LN F-15C USAFE/48 FW/493 FS participant 9-11-2009f/n 04/12/2009
86-0156/LN F-15C USAFE/48 FW/493 FS participant 9-11-2009f/n 04/12/2009
84-0009/LN F-15C USAFE/48 FW/493 FS participant 12-11-2009f/n 04/12/2009
86-0147/LN F-15C USAFE/48 FW/493 FS external asset 20/11/2009 04/12/2009
84-0010/LN F-15C USAFE/48 FW/493 FS external asset 20/11/2009 04/12/2009
62-3565/D KC-135R USAFE/100 ARW/351 ARS external asset 24/11/2009 24/11/2009
58-0016 KC-135R USAF external asset 24/11/2009 24/11/2009


Compiled by Piet Luijken, thanks to Paul Williamson, TLP Albacete Flickr set, Roberto Y·Òez,Peter and

Updated: 12-1-2025

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