FF participants will problably fly from Leeuwarden, Leeuwarden, Leeuwarden and ... Leeuwarden! And maybe there will be tankers at Eindhoven for exercise EART, wich uses FF jets to practice its own procedures. Wittmund and Schleswig jagel will be used as red air bases. That was the lates news. Not c...
thanx for you answers and help for sure now its the C.212. I was thirst thinking it was a c.212 but i saw only the tail. is there a picture availible? gr rene Hee rene, see topic http://forum.scramble.nl/viewtopic.php?p=577479 further pictures on http://www.planepictures.net/netsearch4.cgi?srch=T7-...
I saw 12-8 on Findel near a hangar a tail from a aicraft that lookt for me like a B2NB. Someone knows more what it was? it was 100% sure military and i was reading off a small black serial as 0612 but it was hard to read so not 100% sure. Hope someone can help.