Would that give way to smaller events centered around the airbases individualy?
Like the belgian open door days or the ones in Germany? Smaller events for the public to get aquainted with the airforce and some smaller Klu displays only in a few demonstrations?
Just like 2 years ago, and than (almost nothing) flew during the day. Correct but not the entire story: sanicole saw on Thursday the forecast for Saturday and made the descision to have all acceptance flights on Friday. So nothing to fly on Saturday. Ons could only assume that would have been the w...
Al iets meer bekend over de opendagen van 2024 of ze er überhaupt wel komen? Ja, ze komen niet Wat bijzonder jammer is nu Defensie afscheid neemt, en daarmee Nederland van de F-16. Wordt die mijlpaal wel gevierd, wat met een Open Dag heel mooi en passend lijkt te zijn geweest, of gaat dit met de sp...