I think you are right because of they are now visiting FARP Ginkel...Apaches over the Veluwe are always a problem, ADSB-wise. Could be they landed (at a FARP?), but they often are so low radar doesn't pick 'm up even when they are still flying.
According ADS-B the didn't visit EHDL. Disappeared at Ermelose heide, so maybe a new FARP there?Also APACHE31-32 as seperate formation at Deelen
Can someone help me with the serial of the Hip in this formation?1505lt GRIZZLY01 flight departed, on adsb as D-602, exercising north of FARP West.
Photo on flugzeugforum: 79+30ETNN July 29 2020.
Today a German Army NH90 arrived at ETNN.
Can somebody confirm if this was 78+30 or 79+30?
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