Got to the Saturday show early (05;30 local) and was able to avoid SOME of the confusion with traffic and parking. Plenty of comments on other sites regarding that cluster, so I'll skip right to the show itself-it was outstanding!! Nice weather, good layout for statics and almost non-stop flying. Di...
Quick question from yesterday (Wednesday)- 15 March- did anyone catch the serial from the C-130J in the afternoon push? It was completely “incognito” as per the new AMC guidelines. Was hoping someone got something off ADB-S. Thanx in advance. Cheers.
Morning all. I’ll be at Nellis Tuesday and Wednesday for Flag and was wondering if anyone knows if President Biden will arrive at Nellis or Harry Reid? Also, any word on other aircraft in his flight? Thanks in advance. Cheers
A small affair after a three year hiatus, this show marked the public debut of the Blue Angels in their Super Hornets. However, their show was marred by them suffering TWO mechanical casualties. A/C #2 went down after engine start and was replaced by #7. A/C #4 then also went Tango Uniform and the t...
Was located at Cheyenne the morning of 4 Feb when Thunderbirds returned home from Arizona. They did not have show numbers attached yet and the following serial numbers (inside the "circle of stars" on the intake sides) were recorded: 92-3896 Block 52P 92-3881 Block 52P 91-0362 Block 52D 92...