Today at 15:53 local time a C-130 was clearly visabel flying from N to SW above IJselsteyn (near Utrecht), i would guess at FL150 a FL200. On ADSB the only C-130 which was visable was a Canadian AF C-130J 130603 but that one was flying much further north in another direction. Does anybody have an id...
According to ADS-B H60 11-20413 departed as 'FERAL98'. Should be 2 H60s. Edit: 2-ship confirmed on Dutchmil, inbound ETHB. By deduction most likely 11-20399 was in this flt as well (unless one of the Limas tagged on, but I found that unlikely) Visually confirmed as a two-ship of two UH-60M, both ch...
Dear all, thanks for the great work in constructing the log together, nice.
I have an additional question. Around 15:10 hrs two Fennecs departed Villacoublay as Murene23 and Murene 24. I could read 23 as "VC" does anyone know the identity of Murene 24?
Seen on ADSB (designated as Military) on the 16th of april was "AIB06FV" a flight from France to Hamburg. Anyone for the ID of this bird? Was hard to see overhead The Netherlands but it looked like it was in primer colours.