PIK Tuesday 27th August, (15005) CC-150 RCAF,437 Sqn CFC4375 from CYQX This Polaris was tanking 3 CF-188s from BFC Bagotville, 177834,188744 and 188796. These are due to be joined by 3 more CF-188s, and all 6 will then depart on the 30th. just flew over mid. Holland only saw 2 F-18's behind him...
It was a very wet day at Åalborg, and a long drive, but Well worth it! http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e85/warthog64/aviation%20oldies/DB22DB6C-A6FD-438A-AEBE-D7151E5A0645_zpsynpupnis.jpg http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e85/warthog64/aviation%20oldies/1872665E-9E50-4B8F-984A-3E6E5DCD8EA0_zpswlyw...
Hi there, it's been a while.... Last week was awesome at the Starwars Canyon! http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e85/warthog64/IMG_3960_zps7rrg7xq4.jpg http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e85/warthog64/IMG_3849_zpsahqhnnob.jpg http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e85/warthog64/IMG_3675_zpsvqzec5ea.jpg