Search found 15 matches

by helifan
04 Apr 2010, 23:07
Forum: Helispot
Topic: Dutch Police uses a helicopter to reduce the # of robberies
Replies: 2
Views: 1133

Re: Dutch Police uses a helicopter to reduce the # of robberies

Hier in het zuiden des lands, hadden we om dezelfde reden enkele weken geleden iedere avond een "vliegshow"
by helifan
14 Jan 2010, 20:36
Forum: Helispot
Topic: MBB BO105 preserved op rotonde in Donauwörth
Replies: 9
Views: 4495

Re: MBB BO105 preserved op rotonde in Donauwörth

Een helikopter in het midden van en rotonde, erg leuk bedacht :worship:
by helifan
21 Oct 2009, 19:07
Forum: Helispot
Topic: MBB BO105 CBS-4 PH-RPX on the move.
Replies: 6
Views: 1665

Re: MBB BO105 CBS-4 PH-RPX on the move.

Talking about old aircraft......... sometimes out of service helicopters are used for testst of which some are quite hilarious 8)

Watch the clip......" onclick=";return false;
by helifan
16 Oct 2009, 21:28
Forum: Helispot
Topic: BBC-serie "Helicopter Heroes"
Replies: 2
Views: 1219

Re: BBC-serie "Helicopter Heroes"

Thanks Copter for the tip.
And to complete the information; the show will be broadcasted every day from monday thru Friday" onclick=";return false;

According to the BBC shop it is not availiable ( yet)
by helifan
04 Sep 2009, 22:31
Forum: Helispot
Topic: Spa Heliport F1 movements
Replies: 5
Views: 2146

Re: Spa Heliport F1 movements

Erg mooie foto's Roy
Hoe weten jullie trouwens waar zoveel helikopters te zien zijn ?
Overigens als ik me niet vergis is de PH-HHC een AS 355F1 en de
G-VONG een AS 355N
De AS350 series zijn eenmotorig en de 355 series tweemotorig.
Groet Angela
by helifan
31 Aug 2009, 22:20
Forum: Helispot
Topic: La Vuelta in Drenthe & Limburg
Replies: 8
Views: 2530

Re: La Vuelta in Drenthe & Limburg

Ja dat was genieten vanmiddag :D Ik woon in Venlo en dicht bij de stad en op driehoog en zag ze vanaf het balkon "voor het huis" vliegen. De Bo105 was al de hele dag aan het circelen en toen kwamen er 3 bij , 2 Bell long rangers en een grote beige naar nu blijkt een ecureuil 355 (dankzij d...
by helifan
07 Aug 2009, 20:56
Forum: Helispot
Topic: Helikopters op Discoverychannel
Replies: 1
Views: 825

Helikopters op Discoverychannel

Aangezien er niet zo vaak programma's over helikopters op tv zijn geef ik jullie deze tip. Morgen 8 aug. om 14.20 Heart of the machine." onclick=";ret...
by helifan
09 Jul 2009, 21:29
Forum: Helispot
Topic: 27/08 - 30/08: German championship heliflying 2009
Replies: 0
Views: 576

27/08 - 30/08: German championship heliflying 2009

An event in late august in Mengen-hohentengen, that is near the Swiss border." onclick=";return false;
by helifan
09 Jul 2009, 21:24
Forum: Helispot
Topic: LOG Trip Germany-Austria 23/6 - 6/7
Replies: 4
Views: 1947

Re: LOG Trip Germany-Austria 23/6 - 6/7

Ja is inderdaad erg mooi.
by helifan
22 Apr 2009, 13:53
Forum: Helispot
Topic: Helidays Weston Super Mare
Replies: 6
Views: 2367

Re: Helidays Weston Super Mare

Ja klopt en je kunt ook beter rechtstreeks naar Bristol vliegen. Toen ik de reis maakte landde ryanair nog niet in Bristol dus ging ik via London en kwam 's nachts vast te zitten in Bristol :? En als je een bed and breakfast in Walliscote road (er zijn daar heel veel) pakt, zit je lekker dicht bij d...
by helifan
21 Apr 2009, 16:17
Forum: Helispot
Topic: Helidays Weston Super Mare
Replies: 6
Views: 2367

Helidays Weston Super Mare

A nice event near Bristol. I was there last year and its by the beach and a lot of hotels are walking distance away." onclick=";return false;
by helifan
29 Mar 2009, 21:22
Forum: Helispot
Topic: MD.600 D-HKAL at airport Weeze (Germany) 28 & 29/03/09
Replies: 7
Views: 4476

Re: MD.600 expected at airport Weeze (Germany) 28 & 29/03/09

No problem, you are not the only one making mistakes :oops:
by helifan
29 Mar 2009, 18:45
Forum: Helispot
Topic: Robinson R44 G-EKKO crash lands at airport
Replies: 1
Views: 1101

Re: Robinson R44 G-EKKO crash lands at airport

Sad news :(
This wasn't the first time that this helicopter had problems... ... 009-07.pdf" onclick=";return false;
by helifan
29 Mar 2009, 18:33
Forum: Helispot
Topic: MD.600 D-HKAL at airport Weeze (Germany) 28 & 29/03/09
Replies: 7
Views: 4476

Re: MD.600 expected at airport Weeze (Germany) 28 & 29/03/09

Thanks for posting Copter.
I will probably go on april, it's a good chance to take a pleasure flight in a md600. Usually pleasure flight are in a bell jetranger or Robinson.
by helifan
25 Mar 2009, 21:38
Forum: Helispot
Topic: New heliport in Blerick (Venlo)
Replies: 1
Views: 1032

Re: New heliport in Blerick (Venlo)

Gee Copter it's a small world :D
I live in Venlo and you live in Laarbruch. I used to live in a village near Laarbruch when it still was a RAF Army-base. I grew up with low-flighing jetfighters on a daily basis. But to answer your question; i dont know :oops:
I try to find out.