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by ehvb01orions
07 Sep 2015, 22:19
Forum: Japan
Topic: US Navy P-3 TDY changes in Japan
Replies: 61
Views: 40292

Re: US Navy P-3 TDY changes in Japan

Effective from 1st September, VP-46 (RC) has assumed the next 7 month temporary duty out of Kadena, taking over from VP-1 (YB).
The following have sofar been reported with VP-46:
160761/761 (ex VP-1)
161339/RC-339 with LSRS
161414/RC-414 with LSRS
163004/004 (ex VP-1)
by ehvb01orions
05 Mar 2015, 20:01
Forum: Japan
Topic: US Navy P-3 TDY changes in Japan
Replies: 61
Views: 40292

Re: US Navy P-3 TDY changes in Japan

VP-1 has taken over the TDY from VP-40 at Kadena and Misawa late January, operating 8 P-3C Orions:
160761 YB P-3C AIP+
161404 YB P-3C BMUP+
161590 - P-3C BMUP+
161764 - P-3C AIP+
162776 - P-3C AIP+
163004 YB P-3C AIP+
163006 - P-3C AIP+
163295 - P-3C AIP+
by ehvb01orions
06 Feb 2015, 19:56
Forum: Spotting Canada & USA
Topic: Nellis AFB KLSV 2015
Replies: 62
Views: 28870

Re: Nellis AFB KLSV 2015

The Australian Orion is an EAP-3C with serial A09-660, according to an Australian source
Jaap Dubbeldam
P-3 Orion Research Group
by ehvb01orions
05 Feb 2015, 21:08
Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
Topic: US CA,AZ,NV trip day 7 El Centro (photo)
Replies: 31
Views: 12175

Re: US CA,AZ,NV trip day 7 El Centro (photo)

I am afraid that Melchior is correct. Those Dallas birds don't even have the NAVY titles next to the roundle. The unit has 3 Orions, but you never can tell which one it is. Frustrating ....
Jaap Dubbeldam
P-3 Orion Research Group
by ehvb01orions
06 Sep 2014, 12:43
Forum: Rotterdam-The Hague
Topic: Wereldhavendagen 5-6-7 sept 2014
Replies: 28
Views: 6263

Re: Wereldhavendagen 5-6-7 sept 2014

om 12.30 maakte de NH-90 een low pass over Valkenburg richting het zuiden
by ehvb01orions
15 Aug 2014, 23:21
Forum: Eindhoven
Topic: EHEH Zaterdag 16-08-2014 MIL
Replies: 16
Views: 4288

Re: EHEH Zaterdag 16-08-2014 MIL

any other departure times for Saturday would be much appreciated
by ehvb01orions
15 Aug 2014, 20:23
Forum: Eindhoven
Topic: EHEH 15-08-2014 MIL
Replies: 13
Views: 4306

Re: EHEH 15-08-2014 MIL

any departure times for Saturday would be much appreciated
by ehvb01orions
13 Jul 2014, 15:46
Forum: Rotterdam-The Hague
Topic: EHRD 13-07-2014
Replies: 14
Views: 5965

Re: EHRD 13-07-2014

welke baan zal het worden ?
by ehvb01orions
23 Jun 2014, 12:25
Forum: Japan
Topic: US Navy P-3 TDY changes in Japan
Replies: 61
Views: 40292

Re: US Navy P-3 TDY changes in Japan

The first four P-3C Orions of VP-40 arrived at Kadena last week. They are 161586, 161596 (both with LSRS pod), 163006 and 163295.
by ehvb01orions
14 Jun 2014, 19:31
Forum: Japan
Topic: US Navy P-3 TDY changes in Japan
Replies: 61
Views: 40292

Re: US Navy P-3 TDY changes in Japan

According to a press release early 2014: Eight-month deployments are becoming the fleet standard.
The release was talking about aircraft carriers and their wings, but maybe this also applies to the P-3 detachements.
by ehvb01orions
24 Mar 2014, 20:58
Forum: Spotting Netherlands
Topic: Valkenburg (ex EHVB/LID) - 2014 NSS
Replies: 74
Views: 26432

Re: Valkenburg (ex EHVB/LID) - 2014 NSS

today, Monday, two Alouettes were seen at Valkenburg: Bluebird 03 was A-301 and Bluebird 02 is A-?????
A-247 was at Schiphol today calling Bluebird 01
by ehvb01orions
24 Mar 2014, 09:02
Forum: Spotting Netherlands
Topic: Valkenburg (ex EHVB/LID) - 2014 NSS
Replies: 74
Views: 26432

Re: Valkenburg (ex EHVB/LID) - 2014 NSS

om 8.25 vloog ter hoogte van Huis ter Duin een NH-90, welke is dit ?
om 8.40 vloog boven Noordwijk richting Schiphol de VC-25A
by ehvb01orions
23 Mar 2014, 20:27
Forum: Spotting Netherlands
Topic: Valkenburg (ex EHVB/LID) - 2014 NSS
Replies: 74
Views: 26432

Re: Valkenburg (ex EHVB/LID) - 2014 NSS

de aangekondigde 7 politie helicopters zijn vandaag allemaal gezien; het zijn:
by ehvb01orions
23 Mar 2014, 17:43
Forum: Spotting Netherlands
Topic: Valkenburg (ex EHVB/LID) - 2014 NSS
Replies: 74
Views: 26432

Re: Valkenburg (ex EHVB/LID) - 2014 NSS

zondagmiddag is ook de tweede AW.139 PH-PXZ gearriveerd op Valkenburg.
de militaire heli's hebben sinds de aankomst niet meer bewogen
by ehvb01orions
23 Mar 2014, 15:30
Forum: Spotting Netherlands
Topic: Valkenburg (ex EHVB/LID) - 2014 NSS
Replies: 74
Views: 26432

Re: Valkenburg (ex EHVB/LID) - 2014 NSS

De AW.139 PH-PXY is vanmiddag rond 14.30 uur teruggekeerd van RTM wat er op zou kunnen duiden dat de Amerikanen vandaag niet meer gaan proefvliegen.