I am still missing the complete serial for an KFOR-marked UH-60A/L seen at Heidelberg July 11th 2002.
It wore the last three of it's serial in white but due to a dubble fence it was difficult to read the serial that time, I read it as "832".
As there were not that many Black Hawks active in Kosovo (Camp Able Sentry, Macedonia, in support of KFOR and Operation JOINT GUARDIAN)
The only candidates are (picked by x32):
86-24532 UH-60A was also SFOR-marked, f/n jan'04 with 236MedCo
88-26032 UH-60A with 5-158Avn?
95-26632 UH-60L with 2-1 Avn (mrt'96/feb'06)
Many UH-60L types wore the last three in white.
Can anyone help me on this?
Maybe someone has a list of detached helicopters in Kosovo from that time?