seen between 09:15 and 13:30
OPEN SKIES 12T OC-135B 61-2672 / OF 55th WG ACC OFFUTT AFB dep
RCH 810 KC-135R 62-3557 916th ARW AFRC SEYMOUR JOHNSON AFB dep
RCH 419 C-5B 86-0012 337th AS / 439th AW AFRC WESTOVER ARB taxi
QUID 81 KC-135R 62-3565 100th ARW USAFE RAF MILDENHALL dep
QUID 83 KC-135R 64-14830 100th ARW USAFE RAF MILDENHALL dep
QUID 89 KC-135R 63-8888 100th ARW USAFE RAF MILDENHALL dep (to AR RAF E3 'NATO 35')
not surprisingly the C-5 broke on its taxi so did not depart.
the quid 81,83 were supporting MC-130's on there way to Akrotiri.