The arrival of a U-28A from Stuttgart was a very welcome bonus.
The word is that the MC-12Ws will depart on the 9th and the U-28A on the 10th with a MC-130, which is due here on the 9th.
Today was a non-duty day and apart from 62-4138 arriving during the afternoon, the only movements were those detailed below. Times are in UTC- add one hour for local BST time.
RAF Mildenhall EGUN/MHZ Monday 07th July
166762 QB-762 KC-130J VMGR-352 RAIDR46 arr 04/0?.?? From CYYT dep 07.52 to LICZ?
168072 QB-072 KC-130J VMGR-352 RAIDR23 arr 04/0?.?? From CYYT dep 15.17 to LICZ?
09-0661 MC-12W (ex)361st ERS LIBERTY01 arr 12.19 from LICZ
09-0686 MC-12W (ex)361st ERS LIBERTY02 arr 13.16 from LICZ
06-6166 bl C-17A 9 AS 436 AW RCH126 arr 06th/1?.?? dep 10.41
84-0111 C-21A 76 AS 86 AW FALCN36 arr 11.17
59-1468 KC-135T 171 ARW PA ANG RCH122 dep 11.57
07-0712 U-28A 319 SOS 1 SOW RCH1002 arr 12.45 from EDDS