MoD gives a press conference at 20.00 about the cause of the accident with the Apache helicopter in Mali.
Kind of strange to see the MoD press release clearly mentioning the two lost airmen by full personaliaStratofreighter wrote:See the twitter-feed
for the latest information.
He is an RTL Nieuws journalist.
In cases like this, this has become the norm in order to (try to) avoid having the press calling everybody they know in the vicinity of the squadron to find out details.Hurricane wrote: Kind of strange to see the MoD press release clearly mentioning the two lost airmen by full personalia
Blue skies for both!
Why?Hurricane wrote:Kind of strange to see the MoD press release clearly mentioning the two lost airmen by full personalia
Blue skies for both!
Thanks for that comment. Yes, of course I can image that also.11E wrote:Could be, in some cases photos are being used for planning an attack against UN installations / personnel. Recent (one month ago) this was happening in Mali. So I can imagine that they prohibited taking photographs.
Glidepath wrote:Despite the fact that much of the above has been written in DUTCH, i was requested kindly to do my comment in ENGLISH,
"Forward with the goat", I thought:
but far below orignal text retained for the Benefit of those who prefer to read stuff in their native language.
Forbidden to make pics in Mali? Is that true? . While WE westerners are there to bring freedom (of press) and democracy ? Than that is utterly Absurd.
Even in the war thorn Ukraine countless photographers and video press could do their job amongst the scrapheap that was left of flight MH17, even with the 298 human remains still lying scattered in the fields und shells going overhead back and forth.
And we had embedded press in Afghanistan, during combat.
Just like it was so nothing special, just a day in the life.
orignal text
Verboden foto's te maken? is dat waar? . Gaan WIJ daar nu (pers)vrijheid en democratie brengen? dan is dat Volkomen Absurd.
Zelfs in het door krijgsgewoel verscheurde Oekraïne konden talloze fotografen en videopersmensen hun gang gaan bij de resten van MH17, zelfs toen de 298 doden er in het veld nog lagen.
En embedded press in Afghanistan,
Alsof het de gewoonste zaak van de wereld is.
11 december 2018
De helikoptercrash in Mali in 2015 is niet veroorzaakt door een ontwerpfout,
zoals na het ongeluk door Defensie naar buiten is gebracht.
Het onderdeel blijkt verbogen te zijn geraakt bij onderhoud in de Verenigde Staten of mogelijk zelfs al tijdens de fabricage.
Dat meldt de Groene Amsterdammer op basis van een intern rapport van Defensie en andere documenten die het weekblad in handen heeft.
Uit het rapport blijkt volgens het weekblad dat een onderdeel van de helikopter al voor de crash beschadigd is geraakt.
In de documenten staat verder dat het onderdeel vrijwel zeker is verbogen tijdens onderhoud door een externe partij in de Verenigde Staten.
Generaal-majoor Mario Verbeek noemt de berichtgeving van de Groene Amsterdammer "tendentieus".
De conclusie dat de crash veroorzaakt zou zijn door gebrek aan onderhoud, "dat blijkt juist niet uit het rapport."
Verbeek zegt dat de elementen die het weekblad noemt niet onjuist zijn, maar dat de optelsom onjuist is.
"Er zijn wel onderhoudselementen in andere rapporten genoemd,
maar door die aan elkaar te verbinden krijg je een hele bijzondere situatie."
Hij blijft erbij dat de crash het gevolg is van een ontwerpfout in een besturingscilinder.
"Niet meer en niet minder." ... eerstortenInvestigation The crash of the Q-15
How a combat helicopter of the air force in Mali could crash
The full facts of the fatal accident with the Apache in Mali in 2015 have never been announced, according to research by De Groene Amsterdammer .
Reports also show that the air force at that time was struggling with structural problems that had consequences for safety.
David Davidson and Rasit Elibol
December 11, 2018 -
Moments later, the two Apaches reach the practice area, 45 kilometers north of Gao.
The Q-22 leads the formation and is the first to target the practice goal.
Then follows the run of the Q-15.
After firing two rockets Mollinger brings the Apache in a bend to the right.
Then, all of a sudden, the helicopter rolls over its right-hand side more than four hundred meters high,
without the pilots making a steering movement for it.
It surprises Zeetsen and Mollinger totally.
They do everything to get their device under control again.
After two complete roles, the unwanted maneuvers have cost so much height that the Apache crashes.
It takes place in fifteen seconds.
It is 12.59. The blow is so hard that the landing gear of the Apache is pressed into the hull.
The motors break from the suspension points and hang down.
The Apache was beaten to the ground with a vertical speed of 86 kilometers per hour.
The seats in the cockpit are designed to absorb a considerable impact, but are not calculated on these forces.
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