...enneh: de hondjes in de cabine waren niet aangelijnd tijdens deze vijf rolls naar rechts...
On the day of the
accident the owner planned to fly, with one passenger, from Leeds Bradford Airport to
Palma de Majorca, Spain.
He occupied the left cockpit seat and the passenger sat towards
the middle of the cabin on the right side, wearing a three-point harness.
Three small dogs
were in the cabin, unrestrained, on and around the passenger’s lap.
http://www.aaib.gov.uk/cms_resources.cf ... 001-15.pdfAs the aircraft approached its cruising altitude of FL430, the pilot was not monitoring the indicated airspeed and the aircraft stalled, departing from controlled flight in a series of five 360° rolls to the right.
The pilot briefly regained control before the aircraft stalled again and in the following recovery,
the aircraft’s wings were damaged in overload.
Full report attached - fascinating reading with photos of the wing damage due to "higher" G loads than expected - an unintended "almost ultimate loads test"
Foto op pagina 9 , figure 2 . Daar wordt ook de schade aan de vleugels beschreven. Da's een hoop om te repareren...Having set an appropriate trim position and now in a stable flight regime, the pilot confirmed
that his passenger was uninjured.
He noted damage to the upper surface of the left wing
and his passenger reported similar damage to the right wing.
Given the damage to the aircraft, the pilot did not want to exceed 1,000 ft/min during descent
and therefore he estimated that it would take 25 to 30 minutes to land.
http://www.aaib.gov.uk/cms_resources.cf ... 001-15.pdf