I think I read T-235 from my pictureghkrikke wrote:Anyone for the tanker with two fighters next to it, that was overhead Marsum at 1430lt?
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S-440 'Wildcat06'oldschool wrote:Question. What is the serial of the AS532U2 that flew at the end of the afternoon session? Thank you in advance.
Heron wrote:I think I read T-235 from my pictureghkrikke wrote:Anyone for the tanker with two fighters next to it, that was overhead Marsum at 1430lt?
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Filled in the callsigns as well as I could.... Corrections/additions anyone?gatso76 wrote:FF 2015, ochtendmissie, landen-starten 23:
86-0155 POKER11
86-0161 GRIM17
81-0023 POKER12
80-0024 POKER13
84-0031 GRIM15
85-0106 GRIM18
82-0016 GRIM16
86-0151 POKER14
30+64 SHOCK73
31+10 SKIMMER22
30+65 SKIMMER21
30+97 SHOCK74
30+94 SHOCK71
30+80 SHOCK72
C.15-57/12-15 KING11
C.15-60/12-18 ARCHER26
CE.15-12/12-75 ARCHER25
C.15-66/12-24 KING12
HN-441 LYNCH26
HN-450 LYNCH25
HN-407 LYNCH28
HN-440 LYNCH27
4071 IVAN05
4069 IVAN06
4086 IVAN07
4075 IVAN08
J-197 ARCHER24
J-516 ARCHER23
J-013 ARCHER22
J-513 ARCHER21
J-201 FIST11 (Numbers added)
J-016 FIST12 (Numbers added)
J-062 FIST13 (Numbers added)
J-508 FIST14 (Numbers added)
J-644 IGOR01
J-616 IGOR02
G-FRAU Da20 Cobham PLAYER40
Waarbij IGAR dan weer IGOR is...... What's in a (Russian) name!gatso76 wrote:De middagsessie bestond uit:
'Ivan 05/06/07/08' 4 x Poolse F-16 4067/4071/4066/4075
'Skimmer 21/22' 2 x Duitse Eurofighter 30+94/31+10
'Player 40' 1 x Da20 Cobham G-FRAU
'Shock 71/72/73/74' 4 x Duitse Eurofighter 30+80/30+75/31+04/30+64
'Archer 01/02' 2 x Nederlandse F-16 J-201/-016
'Fist 11/12/13/14' 4 x Nederlandse F-16 J-197/-516/-513/-013
'Lynch 25/26/27/28' 4 x Finse F-18 HN-450/-441/-440/-407
'Dalton 15/16' 2 x Nederlandse F-16 J-009/-136
'Poker 11/12' 2 x USAF F-15 86-0151/82-0016
'King 11/12/13/14' 4 x Spaanse F-18 12-24/12-75/12-15/12-20
'Igar 01/02/03' 3 x Nederlandse F-16 J-642/-644/-367...'Igar 03' kwam eerder retour Leeuwarder ivm 'minor technical problems'
'Grim 15/16/17/18' 4 x USAF F-15 85-0106/86-0161/84-0031/80-0024
Ik had al een vermoeden dat het Igor zou moeten zijn, maar over de scanner klonk het in Russisch/Engels toch echt als Igar ...en met callsigns weet je het nooit...voor je het weet heb je een nieuwe 'te pakken'.Bennie wrote: Waarbij IGAR dan weer IGOR is...... What's in a (Russian) name!
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