Ja, een zweefvliegtuig. Maar vanaf 0.10 gebeurt er iets waar ook straaljagerpiloten respect voor hebben hoe'ie zich herstelt...
Dusseldorf, Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany).
GV. Air field at Dusseldorf, pan with Albert Falderbaum's glider as it takes off. CU. Spectators watching. GV. Glider flying swiftly upside down just above the ground - the tail of the glider touches the ground and it is torn off - the glider soars upwards and turns right side up. GV. Glider, as it comes down to crash against a plane. GV. Pan with ambulance racing to the scene of the accident. CU. Wreckage. Another view, wreckage. SV. Falderbaum being carried out of wreckage, & closer shot. CU. Damaged nose of glider. Falderbaum is badly hurt but alive - voiceover says.