To comfort you:a JZ F15...

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To comfort you:a JZ F15...

Post by GerritsFinest »

Dutch spotters are put to the test, no JZ Eagles to be seen up to now over the the beautiful Friasian landscape, even Spring was ordered in time, but the Lousiana F15’s still have their ‘noses cold’ on the other side of the Atlantic.
Maybe we should check out the harbour of Harlingen, they might have been dilevered by ship via the backdoor of Leeuwarden…
Anyhow for the time being we have to find comfort in this JZ-picture taken in 2005 while this F15A was guarding the gate at New Orleans. Hopefully it survived the Katrina hurricane five months later…
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Re: To comfort you:a JZ F15...

Post by CBR »

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