Dear Aviation enthusiast,
As previously announced, this year the NATO E-3 Component will celebrate its 35th anniversary with a cultural festival. During that festival there will also be a static display of aircraft, including a mini Tigermeet fly-in. The cultural festival is limited open to the public. In order to give spotters and aviation enthusiasts the opportunity to take pictures of the fly-in of the participating aircraft, a spottersday will be held on the 30th of June 2017.
Check the component anniversary Facebook site frequently to be updated on the Aircraft expected.
We have been able to re-negotiate the entrance fee, and there is some good and bad news in it. The bad news is that the ticket price will be 35 Euro, the good news is that we only have 35 Euro tickets!
Registration is only possible as a group, minimum of 10 persons. As of the 1st of May 00.00 local GK time, we will have the following e-mail address activated, and we will take your requests on a “first come, first serve” basis:
After the confirmation that your group has spots granted, we will inform you what information is required from each participant, also a bank account will be provided in order to pay for your group.
With regard to the security of the event, a random check of your belongings is to be expected. Registration is in principle open to passport holders of NATO member nations and PfP nations. I case of doubt, contact us first.
We will NOT take individual subscriptions.
We strive to have groups informed not later than 10th of May about the status of their request, so that they have enough time to collect personal data and fees from their members. We would need your payment and list with personal data 30th of May latest.
Since it is not possible for us to invite all the groups individually, we encourage individuals to cross-post this message via forums as much as possible.
On behalf of the Base Commander,
Organizing committee for the Spottersday.