Deblin-Irena 25th of August:
W-3: 0516, 0610, 0617, 0806, 0808
Mi-2: 5338, 5831, 6923, 5243, 7332, 3829, 7840, plus one not read correct (0712 does not exist)
Mi-8: 619 (stored rotorless), 642, 651, 6105, 6106, plus one not read
Mi-24: 728, 729, 732, 734, 736
C-130E: 1501, 1505 (both departed in the afternoon)
C295: 011, 012, 016, 017, 022, 024, 027
M28: 0218, 0219, 0222, 0224, 0225
TS-11: 1901, 1913, plus one not read, close to Mi-2s. Maybe stored.
Any help on the missing Mi-2, Mi-8, TS-11 appreciated.
Only 3 TS-11's seen. Are they still operational, or are the Team Iskra the only ones left in service?