Royal Saudi Air Force museum Riyadh, KSA

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Royal Saudi Air Force museum Riyadh, KSA

Post by VH3D »


Pictures from my visit to Royal Saudi Air Force museum in Riyadh last month.
















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Re: Royal Saudi Air Force museum Riyadh, KSA

Post by Stratofreighter »

Interesting pictures from a seldom :!:
visited museum! :) per March/maart 2025...
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Re: Royal Saudi Air Force museum Riyadh, KSA

Post by VH3D »

Stratofreighter wrote:Interesting pictures from a seldom :!:
visited museum! :)
And with the seldom opening hours :) 4pm to 8pm :)
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Re: Royal Saudi Air Force museum Riyadh, KSA

Post by Melchior Timmers »

Great collection, thanks for sharing!
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Re: Royal Saudi Air Force museum Riyadh, KSA

Post by Alpha Kilo One »

Wow, that Lightning!
Nice place to visit.

Small question, what reflection do you see in the window behind the 412?
It looks like an Euffi. Is it reflection of a picture somewhere?
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Re: Royal Saudi Air Force museum Riyadh, KSA

Post by VH3D »

The windows have pictures on them. Some of them had C-130, some A330 and some fighter jets.
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Re: Royal Saudi Air Force museum Riyadh, KSA

Post by Bennie »

Don't recall ever having seen images from this museum before!! 8)
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Re: Royal Saudi Air Force museum Riyadh, KSA

Post by VH3D »

Last month I went back to this museum (nothing else to do on a weekend in KSA) to reshoot few planes in better light.
The only new plane that I haven't posted picture of is A-26 Invader.






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Re: Royal Saudi Air Force museum Riyadh, KSA

Post by Alpha Kilo One »

What's the purpose of the Hercules nose? Can you enter it?
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Re: Royal Saudi Air Force museum Riyadh, KSA

Post by VH3D »

That's the million $ question. I've climbed the concrete things and looked inside. Seems like it was some kind of simulator.
It has complete cockpit instruments inside (ripped apart now). Looked for the plate with cn to see if it was real C-130 nose or just mockup. Couldn't find any serials.
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Re: Royal Saudi Air Force museum Riyadh, KSA

Post by Jazz707 »

Rafal, you don't mean the A-26 is new there of course? Any id on the other ADV out the back?
Where are you based in KSA?
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Re: Royal Saudi Air Force museum Riyadh, KSA

Post by raameagle »

Is the unmarked ADV the one they ‘dropped’ during an attempt to mount it last year or the year before?
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Re: Royal Saudi Air Force museum Riyadh, KSA

Post by VH3D »

Tha A-26B is not new to the collection of museum. It's new in my set :) First time I was there the pictures didn't turn out great.
As for the ADV, I've walked around it, looking for any number on the fuselage or in the cockpit. Nothing is visible. They did good job conceiving the numbers. I have no idea if they dropped it during the mounting attempt.
I'm in Riyadh, but every weekend spending in Dubai (now I'm temporarily at home in DC).
Because of the heat haze problems at DXB I'm looking for summer weekends alternative within 3 hours flying time from Riyadh :)
Of course main requirement is good spotting location without being worried about arrest for taking the pictures.
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Re: Royal Saudi Air Force museum Riyadh, KSA

Post by Jazz707 »

The ADV seems to be an unknown. Its not 2917, the one 'dropped' at Tabuk (still up there), which was restored and repainted.

I first photographed at the museum around 10 years ago. Different layout then, with the 707 & Tristar only just arriving after being dragged over from the airbase.
We restored and painted 2915, but the other ADV has arrived since then.

For a weekend trip, i would highly recommend Cairo, for the main Airforce museum there.
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Re: Royal Saudi Air Force museum Riyadh, KSA

Post by VH3D »

Jazz707 wrote: For a weekend trip, i would highly recommend Cairo, for the main Airforce museum there.
Followed your suggestion. Day 1 - Air Force Museum closed for renovations. Kissed the door knob. Day 2 - October War Panorama museum with 3 birds. Kissed the door knob again. Closed for renovations ... at least at this museum you can see planes on the stick above 12 foot wall. If I only collected numbers I would be happy :)

Stayed in Hilton Heliopolis on the 6th floor. Had good view on departure runway (left). My room number was uneven, if I had even numbered room, I could see arrivals on center and right runways. Too far for pictures.

I took some pictures from the taxing airplane. I was seating on the left hand side and taxied around entire civilian ramp. If you select seat on your right, you will see about 20 EAF C-130s.

Time to look for another spotting hole for the weekends.
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