09-0624 MC-12W JM10 arr 14:32 from LFMN dep 23rd/11:?? to BIKF
58-0073 KC-135R 160th ARS AL ANG RCH543 arr 15:50
60-0365 KC-135R 117th ARS KS ANG NACHO71 arr 20th from EGUN dep 24th/10:48 to ETNG
ZH888 Hercules C.5 BNTW RRR101 touch & goes only
ZZ343 Voyager KC.3 10/101 Sqns RRR9101 arr 18:42 from EGVN dep 23rd/14:47 to LRCK
Working fine here. Was down overnight for server migration but up again now. You might need to flush your DNS if it's still showing down for you right now.
15001 CC-150 RCAF 438 Sqn CFC3119 dep 05:15
09-0648 MC-12W 185th SOS OK ANG PL26 arr 15:56 from LFMN dep 26th/11:39 to BIKF
ZM416 Atlas C.1 BNTW COMET451 arr 14:16 from EGVN dep 15:40 to EGVN