R20880 5x UH60M / dep as R20914
R08188 2x CH47F 3x HH60M
R20835 5x UH60M
R20840 5x UH60M
R26497 4x UH60L (o/h)
R08465 2x CH47F / dep with R08185 en R08186 as 6 ship (Tkx Rob for confirmation)
R26425 3x UH60L
R20886 5x UH60M
R08185 2x CH47F*
R20836 5x UH60M
R08186 2x CH47F
R20871 6x HH60M
R20943 6x HH60M
R08464 2x CH47F 1x UH60L 1x UH60M / Dep with R08193 as R20838#
R08193 2x CH47F
*Not heard by me.
#Not heard as a formation but calling as BLACKHAWK20838. But I have read they did flew as a 6 ship.
Unfortunately I was unable to find any <inflight>, very likely they were on FM and it was a bit too far for me to be able to catch them.
I logged them on the following atc freqs: 122.100 / 132.350 / 264.325 / 278.050 / 131.000 / 281.150 / 129.875