I have had no problems previously looking on this page until the last week.I would be grateful if you could let me know if I have done anything wrong or if there is something I need to do.I enjoy reading up on this page as there are so many people who are in the know and this is the only way to see the jets as most spotters put pics on after they are long gone.Thank you if you can help me out
Hi Wilson, I know the problem. It has to do with a security issue. With HTTPS vs HTTP.
You have to avoid these rules but I don't know how at the moment. I'm on vacation and can't figure out how.
Thanks Herky for the quick response,I dont know why it happened as I have never had any issues before and have no problems with any other sites I visit.If you have any suggestions when you return from holiday that would be great but enjoy your holiday anyway and thanks for taking the time to reply