Watched Ramstein enjoying their "Feiertag" today. Following birds were on the deck:
10189 C-17A TN ANG Memphis
99207 C-17A AMC Charleston
66164 C-17A AMC Travis
88203 C-5M AMC McChord
At the other end of quietness & hail showers, the recently completed stout earthen wall around RWY26/27 (inside the fence & perimeter road) was a less pleasant surprise. High enough to hide all but the tail tips of the Hercs, the wall leaves only some peepholes (crash gate & the pile of pallets in the woods), so gone are the days to easily scoop up all regs on the 86 AW apron.
Local Hercs: 74635/RS, 88603/RS 37 AS, 88601 RS 86 AW +7 more
15745 C-130J-30 AMC The Rock (green)
+ another C-130 with a white tailband, probably also The Rock