B-8251 G450 Yunhai Investment Group Ltd. arr 20:34 from VTCC/CNX dep 12th/13:43 to VTCL/LPT
HS-ATS Beech B200 Aeronautical Radio of Thailand AET09 arr 20:46 from VTCP/PRH dep 22:16 to VTBD/DMK
N613LF G550 LFG Services Pty. Ltd. arr 17:29 from VTCC/CNX dep 12th/15:45 to VTCC/CNX
G-SMSM Falcon 2000LXS Landon Executive Aviation LNX15SM arr 12:22 from VLLB/LPQ dep 19th/08:57 to UACC/TSE
HS-VNT G200 Advance Aviation arr 16:26 from VLLB/LPQ dep 19th/15:43 to VTBD/DMK