Just a short visit to he Soesterberg museum I apparently need that ride every now and then where it all started, for the Klu and for me personally.
Driving over the Van Weerden Poelmanweg I saw the newly placed F-104G D-8245 neatly on its pole in the new location. I suddenly realised that it was exactly 60 years ago my first plane photo was taken here exactly on the same spot!
It was the eight of august 1959, my sisters birthday and we went from Ermelo to the zoo in Amersfoort with the family. In the afternoon my father suggested that we would take the bus to Soesterberg and walk to the beginning of the runway and the Soesterhoogt and to look at the landing aircraft. That was easy because the area was quite flat then.
Halfway through we were stopped by a huge MP equipped with a rubber bat, whistle, white helmet leather strap firmly over his chin. He stopped the traffic on the road because jets were towed from the base to the other side, called the Vlasakkers (engine tests were conducted there).
My mother carefully took out her Agfa Clack camera but did not dare to take a photo because of the grumpy MP. She gave it to me and said ‘you do it behind our backs’… So there I was 9 years old taking my first F100C en Hunter! The first a bit far away but after winding de 6x9 film to the next frame the Hunter was in good position.
This story may encourage you to include your first photo accompanied by a nice story in this topic!