On August 7, I was at Lodrino Airport. In addition to the various civilian Augusta Westland helicopters in the Karen hangar, 4 PC-6's and a PC-7 were visible. Can someone help with the ID of the PC-7? It stood in hangar 2 next to a PC-6 (V-619)
In addition, there was also a Sea King wrapped in white cloths outside. The parts that were visible from the Sea King (wheelhouses and a piece from the bottom of the tail) were clearly white. According to Eurodemobbed there should be a Venezuelan Sea King (l/n 2016) but these are green, not white ... Can someone help me?
A-??? PC-7 (NG) Halle 2
J-1580 Venom FB50 Preserved
U-1218 Vampire T55 Preserved
V-612 PC-6 nn Halle 1
V-619 PC-6 LtSt 7 Halle 2
V-631 PC-6 LtSt 7 Engine run
V-634 PC-6 nn Halle 1
?? Sea King ? Under white cloths