First deployment of the year here has seen the following 164AS/OH ANG C130s operating this week all with red/blue fin stripes
86-0419 "Skull 76"
87-9283 "Skull 75"
87-9287 "Skull 70"
Skull 62 visited on Jan 3rd I didn't see it but SBS said it was 88-4405
At the FBO today were VMFA-115 F/A18s
163168/VE-01 flag tail
Noted on a truck in a parking area near Junction 5 of Northbound I-95 just north of KSAV in South Carolina was a USMC C130. Nose, wings and tail were missing and the only marks were USMC titles above the main wheels. No idea where it was coming from or going to.
The OKs have gone home but the 179FS are still here and have been joined by at least two more (one being 91-0410)
On Friday 21st the following 159FS/FL ANG F15Cs arrived bl/wt fin stripes
78-0489 0519
82-0037 (in 122FS marks)
86-0143, 0145, 0148, 0152, 0162
The Eagles are apparently in for ThunderEx 2020 and the following may also have been involved
03-3115 bl/yl C17A 183AS/MS ANG "Ruler 49"
05-5149 yl/rd C17A HH 15Wg "Manu 61"
88-4405 rd/bl C130H 164AS/OH ANG "Skull 55"
61-0298 wt/rd KC135R 126ARS/WI ANG "Brewer 11"
Visiting were:
165974/F 165989/F T6A CTW-6
166232/E T6B TAW-5
98-3541, 99-3563, 05-3776 all bk/rd T6B 14FTW CB
162015/E-51 TH57C TAW-5
plus two UH60s as "Army 869" flight