The Oirschotse Heide is a well-known training location for the helicopters of the DHC (Defense Helicopter Command) of the Royal Netherlands Air Force (RNLAF). The area is referred to as the GLV-V (Low-Flying Area 5). This Cougar who flew under Callsign "Wildcat 68" came to perform some exercises in the early afternoon. Where helicopters often land in the sand for brown out training, this Cougar landed several times in the heather field. The exercise of this helicopter was obvious in favor of the loadmaster who performed a lot of hover exercises, where he had to steer the helicopter to a good spot to land. Communication with the pilots is a very important element here, because the pilots see almost nothing during these kinds of actions. The loadmaster must look around the helicopter to find a spot for the pilot to land. The entire exercise took about 30 minutes. After the exercise, the Wildcat of the 300 Squadron flew back to Gilze-Rijen.