... 16303.htmlHenk Doorten, commander of the air base in Leeuwarden,
gave text and explanation about the incident with a Belgian F-16
on Thursday afternoon.
The fighter jet accelerated on take-up, Doorten reported.
,,The engine started producing more power and the plane didn't stay where it should be.
The pilot hit the brakes hard,
but the acceleration continued and he was forced to use the ejection seat.”
The Belgian pilot was able to leave the aircraft just before it hit a building
and eventually landed with his parachute outside the fences of the base.
A crew chief who did checks on the plane was initially dragged along and saw the plane drill into the building.
Both men were taken to hospital with injuries.
The pilot has an injury to his leg and the crew chief is still being checked for injuries.
Doorten could not say what was wrong with him.
Gone soon
The incident was soon over, in a span of 5 seconds it happened.
The pilot had to change gear very quickly.
On Thursday, the airbase would say goodbye to the F-16s that go to the airbase in Volkel.
After the incident, the further program was canceled.
The Dutch Safety Board will conduct an exploratory investigation into the cause at Leeuwarden Air Base.
"Colleagues from Belgium are also on their way to investigate it."
Goedemorgen vliegtuig vrienden. Als wijkopper KMAR van de vliegbasis volg ik jullie groep met veel plezier. Gisteren waren er veel spotters op de bult met het plan mooie foto’s te maken van de laatste F-16’s vertrekkende vanaf LW. Dit liep allemaal heel anders. Nu kunnen jullie mij en het onderzoek helpen. Het onderzoeksteam wil heel graag foto’s en bewegende beelden hebben . Zo kunnen ze van seconde tot seconde het incident in reconstrueren. Een ieder van jullie stonden buiten het hek en dus vrij om te fotograferen. Vanaf maandag hoor ik graag van jullie . Het liefst via de dienstmail of via Messenger . Alvast bedankt en prettig weekend.
The one in Belgium does not have a wrong hexcode, the crossreference for that specific hexcode on the ADS-B site is wrong instead!
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