At this moment the exercise " Baccarat 2021" takes place in the southern part of France. Started on the 15th and will end on thursday the 21st. Flying activity will be in the departments Lozère, Aveyron and Cantal and the choppers are mainly based on the small airfield L'Hospitalet-du-Lazarc. Noted on the 15 were NH-90TTH: EAF, EAT, EAV, EAW, EBF and EBM. Tigre HAP BHA and Tigre HAD BJL. Gazelles SA-342M GBA, GCI and GCJ. All ALAT
On the 16th the following new additions were noted: GEK AS-342M ALAT , ET-715 and ET-720 Tigres plus AS332B ET-515 and ET-601 AS532UL FAMET