Noted during a short stop today was the NAF931, the ATR from Nigeria.
It is sitting outside currently, and can be seen from the Academy side of the airfield.
A log from the 29th somewhere between 12-13 lt. Have not yet run through all the numbers.
when talking about the left and right hangars, meaning the 'classic' two, did not find any a/c in the new hangar yet.
77 ATR, Pak, inside, left back of right hangar
....CA Be1900 Private Wings, right front of right hangar, D-COCA?
...77T Citation, mid back of right hangar, N7877T
2-GJSA ATR, bright orange tail, pulled out of left hangar
2-GJSB? ATR, bright orange tail, right inside left hangar, 2 and B read, rest assumed
B- Citation Excel, right back of right hangar, suggestions?
CC-ADN Citation, between GA hangar rows
D-CDTZ Phenom, on RAS platform
D-FACT TBM, on RAS platform
D-FLIR PC-12, on RAS platform
D-FTMT PC-12, on main platform
D-FUDA PC-12, on RAS platform
D-IGEA 525, in front of RWL
D-IIVA P-180, on RAS platform
D-IPPY P-180, on RAS platform
D-IQQQ Ce525, on RAS platform
D-IRAS HondaJet, mid front of right hangar
D-ISLT Citation, on RAS platform
F-HFOO HondaJet, on RAS platform
HB-LUZ p68, on main platform
LZ-XYZ Citation, on RAS platform
N1199 ATR Aviance fcs, on RAS platform
N127RQ Kodiak, on RAS platform
N333RB Be50, other side of airfield
N53640 Ce337, other side of airfield
N700FE TBM, on RAS platform, later inside
NAF931 ATR, on RAS platform
OY-YCK ATR Azul fcs, on RAS platform
S5-ACK ATR, mostly white, on RAS platform
SP-TBM TBM, on RAS platform, taxiing out, taxiing back in
T7-AFS HondaJet, pulled out of hangar, on RAS platform
VP-CNS ATR, all white, on RAS platform, moved to main platform
And a total of 8 Aer Lingus ATR's all over the place, not all read:
EI-FAS inside, left front of right hangar
EI-FAT on main platform
EI-FAU on main platform
EI-FAV on main platform
EI-FCZ other side of airfield
...... Near autobahn
...... Near autobahn
...... on main platform but obscured by VP- one
Finally a P-180 'at the scrap area', a King Air in front of RWL, a FlyBE ATR looking rather stripped of parts on the main platform and a white ATR in the left hangar escaped identification.
Any help with missing numbers is appreciated.
Kind regards,
Robert W
"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move."