EGUL 04.08.2022

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Le Addeur noir
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EGUL 04.08.2022

Post by Le Addeur noir »

LKH Thursday 04th August visitor activity,

91-1652 C-130H 180th AS MO ANG HKY664 arr 07:36 from ETAR dep 09:27 to LIPA
05-4090 AK 90 FS F-22A 90th FS 3rd Wing DICE11 dep 10:16 to EPLK
06-4110 AK 11 AF F-22A 90th FS 3rd Wing DICE12 dep 10:16 to EPLK
05-4103 AK F-22A 90th FS 3rd Wing DICE13 dep 10:16 to EPLK
07-4136 AK F-22A 90th FS 3rd Wing DICE14 dep 10:17 to EPLK
09-4190 AK F-22A 90th FS 3rd Wing DICE21 dep 11:03 to EPLK
07-4149 AK F-22A 90th FS 3rd Wing DICE22 dep 11:03 to EPLK
07-4138 AK F-22A 90th FS 3rd Wing DICE23 dep 11:03 to EPLK
07-4144 AK F-22A 90th FS 3rd Wing DICE24 dep 11:04 to EPLK
10-4193 AK 3 WG F-22A 90th FS 3rd Wing DICE31 dep 12:17 to EPLK
04-4074 AK F-22A 90th FS 3rd Wing DICE32 dep 12:17 to EPLK
06-4112 AK F-22A 90th FS 3rd Wing DICE33 dep 12:18 to EPLK
08-4151 AK F-22A 90th FS 3rd Wing DICE34 dep 12:18 to EPLK

And the 48th FW activity noted after the Raptors had departed,

91-0309 LN r F-15E 494th FS 48th FW HOSS23
00-3002 LN r F-15E 494th FS 48th FW HOSS22
01-2003 LN r F-15E 494th FS 48th FW
91-0314 LN r 494 FS F-15E 494th FS 48th FW
01-2002 LN r F-15E 494th FS 48th FW
01-2004 LN r F-15E 494th FS 48th FW HOSS21
19-5486 LN F-35A 495th FS 48th FW CASTLE02
20-5570 LN F-35A 495th FS 48th FW CASTLE01
20-5571 LN F-35A 495th FS 48th FW GUNNAR01
20-5572 LN F-35A 495th FS 48th FW GUNNAR02
20-5573 LN F-35A 495th FS 48th FW HELLA02
20-5574 LN F-35A 495th FS 48th FW HELLA01
Drink treble
See double
Act single

and the Emir called up his jet fighters
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