The Enstroms and Mi-17 used the taxiway as runway, most of the times in runway heading, but also saw the Enstroms take off directly towards the south, extremely low over us (not even 100 ft)
Police wise: When we arrived 2 persons of the military police were running past us in sport uniforms, when they noticed we were there they asked us for our IDs, made pictures of where we were, out car's license plate and us. About 5 minutes later a van of the Military police arrived with 2 policemen in uniform, they also checked our IDs, asked what we did the past few days and checked what kind of pics we made this day and the days before. After a call they made in their van they told us we could stay and said they have to careful with people next to the fence. All in all there were no problems, they just wanted to be sure there were no dangerous people there