The participating nations as Blue Air in this flight course will be Germany, Belgium, Denmark, France, Greece and the USA, with a total of 24 aircraft.
As for the participation of the opposing side, the Red Air, will consist of eight planes, from Germany, Denmark, Greece and the USA.
Piet, the serials quoted above and in your overview I believe are all taken from ADS-B. Not sure if you want to add that in the SIS overview. If so, Greek Herc was 747 according to that same tracking site.
Missing is an actual sighting of another German A400M, already on Feb 6. Photo on social media did not reveal its serial though..
according to flightplans, yesterday 6 HAF F-16's and 5 USN Super hornets arrived on 15/02
Today (16/02) 8 DAF F-16's will arrive with a fuelstop at Saint-Dizier, Also 3 Sleswig Tornado's, 8 EF-2000's from Neuburg.