This week the famous beach landings happened here with the following „visitors“ were noted:
T-420 T-17 FlSk (Have Glass V)
G-988 C-130H KLu/336.Sqn.
G-988 C-130H KLu/336.Sqn. (did a lunch stop later at Skrydstrup)
54+17 A400M LTG 62
5699 C-130J-30 RNoAF/335.Skv.
T-420 T-17 FlSk (Have Glass V)
54+17 A400M LTG 62
Due to the partly flooded beach real landings and take offs were not possible and this resulted in some low overshoots. A Novum obviously was the Luftvorsvaret Hercules!
Eskadrille 721 had some serviceability issues and other commitments and so no Danish Hercules took part.