EGUN 06.09.2024

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Le Addeur noir
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EGUN 06.09.2024

Post by Le Addeur noir »

MHZ Friday 06th September visitors,

15-5825 AC-130J 73rd SOS PILUM98 arr 17:57
11-5740 RS bl/wt C-130J-30 37th AS 86th AW HKY625 arr 14:49 from LIPA dep 16:57 to ETAR
87-0350 AV gn F-16CM 555th FS 31st FW NICKEL11 arr 12:54 from LIPA
88-0532 AV gn F-16CM 555th FS 31st FW REBEL11 arr 13:23 from LIPA
89-2001 AV gn F-16CM 555th FS 31st FW REBEL12 arr 13:23 from LIPA
89-2018 AV gn F-16CM 555th FS 31st FW VIPER12 arr 12:58 from LIPA
89-2041 AV gn F-16CM 555th FS 31st FW NICKEL13 arr 12:55 from LIPA
89-2096 AV gn F-16CM 555th FS 31st FW NICKEL12 arr 12:54 from LIPA
89-2152 AV gn F-16CM 555th FS 31st FW REBEL13 arr 13:24 from LIPA
90-0772 AV gn F-16CM 555th FS 31st FW VIPER11 arr 12:57 from LIPA
20-5571 LN F-35A 495th FS 48th FW HORN01 * missed approach only
20-5588 LN F-35A 495th FS 48th FW HORN02 * missed approach only

Credit to the Mildenhall-Lakenheath blog for most of this report.
Drink treble
See double
Act single

and the Emir called up his jet fighters
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