ETAR 19-12-2024

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Richard de Florennes
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ETAR 19-12-2024

Post by Richard de Florennes »

RAMSTEIN___________ THURSDAY 19.12.2024 RW26/RW27
Weather: periods of rain with low broken clouds, but also longer dry
spells with scattered/broken clouds, clear air and some sun, cool

(05:55 – 19:00 mainly near runway 09 approach)

C-17A 62ndAW 21106 gn/wt T05:59
C-17A 62ndAW 88194 gn/wt T07:50
C-17A 62ndAW 21108 gn/wt T08:00
C-17A 62ndAW 88193 gn/wt T10:35

C-130J 86thAW 78609/-- -/- T06:12
C-130J 86thAW 83176/RS -/- T09:45

C-17A 437thAW 10193 yw/bl T06:27
C-17A 305thAMW 44130 bl/yw T09:23
C-17A 437thAW 77184 yw/bl T08:58

C-5M 436thAW 50002 bl/yw T07:41
C-5M 433rdAW 50009 bl/rd T11:53

C-17A 437thAW 33122 yw/bl L08:20
C-17A 436thAW 77177 bl/yw L12:01

C-130J 86thAW 55831/RS bl/wt spc mks T08:33 a1 L08:55
C-130J 86thAW 15740/RS bl/wt spc mks T16:30 a1 L18:12

C-37A 86thAW (10076) -/- T08:53
C-21A 86thAW 40126 bl/gd T09:39
C-40C 89thAW 54613 -/- T10:25

C-17A 445thAW 00178 wt/rd L10:55
C-17A 164thAW 21100 rd/wt L11:25
C-17A 164thAW 50104 rd/wt L13:50

F-16C 52ndFW (91-418/SP rd/wt) A09:53
F-16C 52ndFW (91-338/SP rd/wt) A09:54

P-8A VP-62 169564/LT-564 L11:03 T12:40

C-21A 86thAW 40087 bl/gd L12:43
C-21A 86thAW 40126 bl/gd L18:13

TBM.700A ET00.043 117/XN L14:59 T18:29

C-5M 436thAW 50003 bl/yw L18:38 (19.12.)
C-5M 433rdAW 50009 bl/rd L16:45 (17.12.)

C-17A 62ndAW 00220 gn/wt L18:30 (17.12.)
C-17A 62ndAW 21108 gn/wt L18:32 (19.12.)
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Joined: 17 May 2015, 15:45
Subscriber Scramble: Karl Down

Re: ETAR 19-12-2024

Post by tinmachine »

Thanks for posting log I was at Ramstein the day before your visit which has enabled me to tie up quite a few of the unidentified C5s & C17s

Rgds Karl
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Richard de Florennes
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Subscriber Scramble: Richard de Florennes
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Re: ETAR 19-12-2024

Post by Richard de Florennes »

very welcome!
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