LOG Taiwan trip day 6 (28-11-2024)

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patrick dirksen
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LOG Taiwan trip day 6 (28-11-2024)

Post by patrick dirksen »

Hi all,

Today we again had high hopes but little expectations, regarding our goal to photograph all types of the RoCAF. We would be giving the surveillance and transport fleet a try. But first we wanted to add some more locally produced fighters.

Ching Chuan Kang AFB

4147/”61-12236” TF-104G pr gate, 427 TFW mks (ex 61-3030)

This is preserved just outside the gate and impossible to miss while driving towards the spotting location on the South side of the airbase. As we were quite early we picked up another F-5 that is “around the corner” before we would try our luck at the airbase.

In park, Taichung

5262/80037 F-5E pr, no mks

Ching Chuan Kang AFB

F-CK-1C, 7 TFG: 1402/81-8008, 1411/83-8023, 1425/84-8043, 1433/84-8051, 1437/84-8056
F-CK-1C, 28 TFG: 1412/83-8024
F-CK-1D, 7 TFG: 1604/82-8010
F-CK-1C, nn: 1438/84-8058
F-CK-1D, nn: 1601/81-8005

1308 C-130H no mks
507 AH-1W no mks
NA-104 AS.365N2 NASC
2722 B.727-109 pr, no mks
4189/63-8462 TF-104G pr (3 AG mks)

Plus another AH-1 and F-16 that did an approach.
Unlike the other fighter bases, there wasn’t too much activity here. As we were early and there is no view of the airfield from the approach, we decided to go to a hill from where you can see the aircraft leave. Not the best choice, as we missed the Hercules and Cobra that arrived plus an F-16 that did an approach. Two of the Ching Kuo’s returned before we got to the approach, while another two returned from Hualien.
When the ones we had seen depart had all returned, we decided to pick up the F-5 that is nearby. Again not the best choice.

AIDC, Taichung

5308/810015 F-5E pr, tiger c/s, “AIDC Tiger 2001” mks

Not the best choice, as when we had asked and gotten permission to photograph the Tiger (which in itself was very nice!), a Fokker 50 came overhead and landed at the airbase only 2 km from us.
A bit frustrated we continued our journey to Pingtung, hoping to catch an Orion and Hawkeye.

Pingtung North

3302 P-3C 33 ASW sq
9717 Albatross drone, no mks

When we were driving along the wall around the airfield towards the approach, through a small gap an Orion was ssen, so we stopped to see if we could read it. Well, we couldn’t due to the heat haze. And while we were there another Orion landed! Horrible timing again. And as it taxied behind a building we couldn’t even get the serial… To cut a long story short, we spent three hours in the approach and only saw that drone fly plus a Hercules leave at the back of us (from Pingtung South), and when it got dark we gave up and headed to the car. Just then, in the almost full darkness, another Orion arrived. Conditions were of course no good anymore for a decent photograph, but at least the serial was (just) readable on one of the pics. Oh, and I almost forgot, when we drove away and passed the Western threshold, a Hercules came in to land directly over our heads. In the dark, so again no serial...

Chung Shan Industrial & Commercial School, Kaohsiung

5149/50322 F-5E pr, school badge
377/”64-2097” UH-1H pr, no mks, c/n 18077, ex 64-2077

To make up for the disappointment at Pingtung we caught up with a few more W&R on our way to the hotel. This school was still accessible, and probably always is as there is a large campus involved. The Huey is marked 2097 on the tail, very confusing as the c/n plate clearly states its FMS serial is 64-2077 (which fits the army serial and c/n).

Chung Cheng Armed Forces Prepatory School, Fengshan

0105/31540 F-100A pr (22 BS c/s?)
4258/56-0876 F-104A pr, no mks

These can be seen over the wall, but especially when it is dark, it helps if you know exactly where to look!
I am trying to find out information about the F-100 units of the RoCAF, but can hardly find anything. This one has a yellow flash on the tail, which unit did use that, 22 BS? I have also seen red and blue flashes, any info on this would be welcome!

Kaohsiung Military Cemetery, Niaosong

4182/”63-8485” TF-104G pr, 12 TRS mks (really 63-8454)

Final stop of the day was this cemetery, that is accessible by foot even after dark. The twin stick 104 is preserved in front of the main building in the centre of the cemetery.

Our hotel was rather close to here, and we were hoping to find a nice restaurant in the vicinity as well. Nothing was within walking distance though, so we ended up getting an Uber. And as we had to use that anyway, we decided we could go for a different meal this time after eating Taiwanese for days, and went to a German restaurant this time.Sauerkraut, potatoes, sausages and German beers, nice for a change!
Tomorrow we would have another try for the AT-3s at Gangshan and then head back north to catch our flight home.

That’s all folks!

Patrick Dirksen & Stefan Jongen
Tristar Aviation
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Re: LOG Taiwan trip day 6 (28-11-2024)

Post by dutchphantom »

Yes, 22 sqn used a yellow flash. 21 sqn used red.
patrick dirksen
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Re: LOG Taiwan trip day 6 (28-11-2024)

Post by patrick dirksen »

Perfect, thanks!

Patrick Dirksen
Tristar Aviation
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