Wow! Couldn't hear anything from Eindhoven, but nice to know she's still operational!
(saw this Antei overhead Eindhoven on 11-11-2002, so it would have been quite a coincidence if it had appeared overhead The Netherlands yesterday rather than today...)
Any departure time known yet????..........
And destination????..........
Hope this bird will come to AMS soon.
Canon 1000D 18-55 en Canon 55-250/IS en Samsung WB500. Ik zeg zomaar,... pak wat je kan pakken want anders is het weg!!!!!!... Als je het niet wil pakken , dan pak ik het wel.... moet je wel zeggen waar?????....
mipo72 wrote:Hope this bird will come to AMS soon.
Has already been at AMS; May 25th, 2003 to be precise... And the type has been here before; way back in the late eighties, right after the terrible earthquake in Armenia in 1988/1989 (?)
jfaltena wrote:Has already been at AMS; May 25th, 2003 to be precise... And the type has been here before; way back in the late eighties, right after the terrible earthquake in Armenia in 1988/1989 (?)
December 21st, 1988, we had two of them that day... CCCP-08830 and CCCP-08832...
Did the AN-22 overfly the Netherlands again around 12:30hrs today on its way ex Stansted??
A really heavy turboprop overflew Purmerend above the cloud at that time.