Basjans wrote:
They also will be getting a F-27 in the future.
Grz. Bas
The F-27 is the C-3 wich is already at Gilze Rijen but it's completely stripped in parts. They are stored untill the knowledge and capacity is found to rebuild this beauty.
I based my info on the website of the Historical flight and a conversation I had last year with a volunteer of the Historical flight.
But as I understand from your info the C-3 still is at Woensdrecht?
This was posted on the SKHV website on 29 januar 2006:
29 januari 2006
Dit project ligt stil. De PH-FBP (C-3) is volledig geïnventariseerd en op onderdelen in het magazijn opgeslagen en ingebracht in het computersysteem. Er wordt gezocht naar mogelijkheden voor wederopbouw, die wel binnen de SKHV beschikbare middelen en randvoorwaarden moeten liggen.
29 januari 2006
Dit project ligt stil. De PH-FBP (C-3) is volledig geïnventariseerd en op onderdelen in het magazijn opgeslagen en ingebracht in het computersysteem. Er wordt gezocht naar mogelijkheden voor wederopbouw, die wel binnen de SKHV beschikbare middelen en randvoorwaarden moeten liggen.
Sounds confusing, the one I have seen was last noted by me 15/8-06 so either the above is incorrect or it is not C-3
I know it is not the photoforum but added a couple of photos that might help
The other F27's which used to be stored near the 131EMVO hangar are gone. I spent a few months on the base for school in the winter of 2002/2003 and saw several F27's leave on trucks (couldn't read the serials).
BennoT6 wrote:the main structure of C-3 should still be present at Woensdrecht. Only the small parts are stored with the KluHF at Gilze-Rijen.
Makes sense, looks pretty striped down.
Aviaphotos wrote:The other F27's which used to be stored near the 131EMVO hangar are gone. I spent a few months on the base for school in the winter of 2002/2003 and saw several F27's leave on trucks (couldn't read the serials).
According to the Sramble database they are last noted between 97-02 so good chance they are gone