As someone who has yet to go into digital photography (still snapping away slides with my EOS 10!!), I was wondering what people on this forum think of image stablisation. I only ask as in my looking for a digital SLR camera (which hopefully I will be able to purchase sometime this year!) every time I set foot in a camera shop, a salesman will tell me I MUST have Image Stablisation, for taking digital telephoto shots. The only thing is, all the info I have read about I.S. states that it of NO USE if taking a shot of a moving subject (i.e. an aircraft in flight/landing). Also I have managed to take film telephoto shots for years with very few occasions of a "blurred image" and that is with relatively slow speed slide film.
So I thought I would ask the people out here who actually take Digital Aviation Shots. What is the opinion of fellow Aviation Photographers on the forum of I.S.??
P.S. I take photos of civil airliners/biz and military aircraft.
United Kingdom
Thanks for reading this far
And Thanks in advance for any information