by Percy »
Tornados went out to Namest as follows:
Friday 11th April:
Dep Marham 0900:
ZA609 as RFR7000A
ZD848 as RFR7000B
Dep Marham 0930:
ZG775 as RFR7001A
Dep Marham 1030:
ZA591 as RFR7003A
ZE116 as RFR7003B
Dep Marham 1055
ZD748 as RFR7002A
ZD851 as RFR7002B
Dep Marham 14th April
All had returned back to Marham by 30 April except ZD748 which stayed for the open day, returning to Marham on 2 May.
Gazelles present for the Exercise were:
XX442 (E) and XZ349 (U), both carried 666 Sqn markings and spent the middle weekend at Praha Airport!!!
Hawks present for the first 2 weeks were:
XX284(CA) and XX265 (CK)
The only other non-Czech participants noted were 2 Slovakian L-39's:
1730 and 4707 arrived 20 April.